Software Requirement Patterns (Best Practices)

back door access, preventing, 293

background processing, responsibility for, 282

backups. See also data archiving

database, 110

information, 123

reports, 190

system, 229

Basic details section of requirement pattern, 21, 22–23, 45

basis of a fee or tax, 332–333

binary numbers, 87

binding part. See formal part

biometric authentication, 178

biometric reader, 285

blanket bans, 309, 312–313

blanket permission, 309

blocking users, 298, 302–303

Boolean operators, 88

brackets, double-angled and square, 25, 46

break locked session, 301

bureau service, 329

business entities, identifying, 16, F-61

business hours, availability during, 222

business intent of inquiry, 156–157

business motivation behind a system, F-31

business purposes, data types for, 86

business rule patterns, 20

business rules, 38

business significance, 147

business systems, data categories in, 120–122

business volume, growth in, 241
