Microsoft SharePoint(TM) Portal Server 2001 Resource Kit (Examples & Explanations Series)

The Application Deployment Wizard packages the Web Storage System application logic and data into a single cabinet (.cab) file. You can deploy this .cab file onto a production server by using the Deploy Application option that is included as part of the same wizard.

Installing the Web Storage System Developer Tools

In order to use the Application Deployment Wizard, you must first download the Web Storage System Developer Tools from the following location:

After installing the Web Storage System Developer Tools, there are two steps remaining to deploy the digital dashboard onto a production server—packaging and deploying.

Packaging the Digital Dashboard

Before deploying a digital dashboard, you must package it into a single .cab file.

To package a digital dashboard into a single .cab file:

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Web Storage System SDK, point to Web Storage System Tools, and then click Application Deployment Wizard.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click the Package Application option, and then click Next.
  3. On the instruction page, click Next.
  4. Type the URL of the digital dashboard, including the dashboard folder name; for example, http://server_name/public/folder_name.
  5. Select the Include all sub-folders check box to make sure subdashboards and related Web Parts get included in the packaging process, and then click Next.
  6. Enter the logon information for the server. If the test and production servers are on different domains, then logon information should include domain\user_name.
  7. Click the Package to single CAB file option. Type a location and name for the .cab file; for example, C:\temp\, and then click Next.
  8. Use the default schema filter file SampleFilter.xml, and then click Next to begin packaging the dashboard application.

Deploying the Digital Dashboard

After packaging the digital dashboard project into a single .cab file, you must deploy it onto a production server.

To deploy the digital dashboard project onto a production server:

  1. To launch the Application Deployment Wizard, click Start, point to Programs, point to Web Storage System SDK, point to Web Storage System Tools, and then click Application Deployment Wizard.
  2. On the Welcome screen, click the Deploy Application option, and then click Next.
  3. Type the URL of the production server, including the dashboard folder name you want to use; for example, http://server_name/public/folder_name.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter the logon information for the server. If the test and production servers are on different domains, then logon information should include domain/user_name.
  6. Click the Deploy from single CAB file option, type the location and name of the source .cab file (for example, C:\temp\, and then click Next to begin deployment of the dashboard application.
  7. Click Finish.

Now that you have deployed the digital dashboard onto the production server, rename the Digital Dashboard Project file (DDP file). Office XP Developer stores this file in the dashboard folder to match the dashboard folder name. For example, if the name of the dashboard folder on the production server is MyDashboard, then rename the DDP file inside the MyDashboard folder to MyDashboard.DDP. Double-clicking the DDP file now opens the production server dashboard in Office XP Developer and creates a solution file on the client computer.

You can use the Application Deployment Wizard to package and deploy dashboard applications from one server to another. For example, you can copy a dashboard from a computer running Exchange 2000 Server onto a computer running SharePoint Portal Server or from a computer running SharePoint Portal Server to a computer running Exchange 2000 Server.
