Microsoft Excel Whiz 2002 2003

Lesson 1: Moving around the Worksheet

In entering data, you must first select the cell. The default location of the cursor upon opening MS Excel is cell A1 which is referred to as the cell address. The cell address is the combination of column heading and the row number. As the cursor is moved, the Name Box displays the new active cell. To move around the worksheet, you can use either the keyboard or the mouse.

Use the keyboard shortcuts to move to a desired cell.

Keyboard Shortcuts

To move right (one cell)

Press right arrow key (→) or Tab

To move left (one cell)

Press left arrow key (←) or Tab

To move down (one cell)

Press arrow down (↓)

To move up (one cell)

Press arrow up (↑)

To a specific cell

Press F5 then type the cell address

To the beginning of a row


To the end of a row

End and arrow right or Ctrl+arrow right

To the beginning of a spreadsheet


To the end of a spreadsheet


You can immediately know the address of the cell by looking at the Name Box; it displays the cell address or the location of the active cell in the active sheet as shown below.

Use the mouse to move around the worksheet.

The different forms of Mouse Pointer in the spreadsheet.

Arrow - used to select a command from the menu bar or toolbars.

Thick Cross - used to select a cell or range of cells.

I-beam - used to edit text within a formula bar. This pointer appears when your mouse pointer rests on the Name Box and Font Box.

Fill Handle - used to copy cell content.

Double Arrow - allows you to adjust the column width by dragging it to the left and right and the row height by dragging it up and down.

Whiz Words

Name Box


Active Cell



Fill Handle

Lesson Summary

There are different ways to move around in the worksheet, mouse, keyboard stroke, or the feature of MS Excel for navigating through the worksheet. The cell indicator determines the location of the active cell. You can also determine the exact location of the active cell by simply looking in the Name Box.

Study Help

Directions: Identify the following.


Directions: Follow the instructions carefully.

  1. Open MS Excel.

  2. Move the active cell indicator to cell G5 using the arrow keys.

  3. Click the mouse pointer to D7.

  4. Press F5 to move the active cell indicator to X25.

  5. Perform the following shortcut keys and observe where the active cell indicator will be placed.

    1. CTRL+Home

    2. CTRL+Dow Arrow Key

    3. CTRL+Right Arrow Key

  6. Press F5 to move the active cell indicator to cell A1.
