Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))

 < Day Day Up > 

PUBLISHED BYMicrosoft PressA Division of Microsoft CorporationOne Microsoft WayRedmond, Washington 98052-6399

Copyright © 2004 by Online Training Solutions, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMicrosoft Office Outlook 2003 Step by Step / Online Training Solutions, Inc. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7356-1521-7 1. Microsoft Outlook.  2. Time management—Computer programs.  3. Personal information management—Computer programs.  4. Electronic mail systems—Computer programs  I. Online Training Solutions (Firm) HF5548.4.M5255M52  2003 005.369—dc21 2003052658

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Exhibition, FrontPage, Hotmail, Microsoft, Microsoft Press, MSN, NetMeeting, Office logo, Outlook, SharePoint, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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Acquisitions Editor: Alex Blanton Project Editor: Aileen Wrothwell

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About the Authors

Online Training Solutions, Inc. (OTSI)

OTSI is a traditional and electronic publishing company specializing in the creation, production, and delivery of computer software training. OTSI publishes the Quick Course® series of computer and business training products. The principals of OTSI are:

Joyce Cox has over 20 years’ experience in writing about and editing technical subjects for non-technical audiences. For 12 of those years she was the principal author for Online Press. She was also the first managing editor of Microsoft Press, an editor for Sybex, and an editor for the University of California.

Steve Lambert started playing with computers in the mid-seventies. As computers evolved from wire-wrap and solder to consumer products, he evolved from hardware geek to programmer and writer. He has written over 14 books and a wide variety of technical documentation and has produced training tools and help systems.

Gale Nelson honed her communication skills as a technical writer for a SQL Server training company. Her attention to detail soon led her into software testing and quality assurance management. She now divides her work time between writing and data conversion projects.

Joan Preppernau has been contributing to the creation of excellent technical training materials for computer professionals for as long as she cares to remember. Joan’s wide- ranging experiences in various facets of the industry have contributed to her passion for producing interesting, useful, and understandable training materials.

The OTSI publishing team includes the following outstanding professionals:

For more information about Online Training Solutions, Inc., visit

Kristen Crupi

Microsoft Outlook Version 2002 Step by Step, on which this book was based, was writ ten by Kristen Crupi, who has more than seven years’ experience as a technical writer and information architect for Web-based applications. Kristen also contributed to the Microsoft Excel 2000 Step by Step courseware and served as a technical resource on the Windows 95 Resource Kit team.

E-mail messages can contain many types of files as attachments. For example, a col league might send a Microsoft Word document to you by attaching it to an e-mail message. You can open these files from the Reading Pane or from an open message.

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