Absolute Beginners Guide to Launching an eBay Business


Pictures Work ”Here's Why

It's a simple fact. Item listings with product photos are more successful than those without. As all successful direct mail retailers know, customers like to see what they're buying before they purchase an item. That's why all those direct mail catalogs are chock full of big, four- color photographs. Seeing a product photo increases the customer's sense of security; not being able to see the product causes a lot of customers to just walk away.

The power of pictures is even greater when all your competitors include product photos and you don't. Photos with listings are the norm these days, and those listings that don't have photos look exceedingly unprofessional. Do you want to bid on an auction where the seller hasn't taken the time and effort to include a photo of the item for sale? Probably not. Given the choice of bidding on an auction that includes a nice, clean product photo and one that doesn't, most users choose the auction with the photo, no questions asked. Don't put yourself at a disadvantage ; include photographs with all your eBay auctions.

You should even ”and especially ”include a photo if the item you're selling is damaged or otherwise flawed. You might think that you shouldn't show an unflattering photo, but just the opposite is true. You want bidders to know what they're getting into, regarding damage and flaws, and showing a picture is the best way to do this.

Is there any time when you don't want to include a picture of an item? The only situation I can think of is when the item you're selling is nothing more than a black box or a blank book cover. Otherwise, including a product photo should be standard operating procedure.
