eBay Auction Templates Starter Kit

To supplement to all the templates that you can create or download from the web, I've included a sampling of free templates on the accompanying CD. These templates come from many of the same sites I talked about in this chapter, as you can tell from the CD icon next to some of the site listings.

The templates on the CD work just like the templates I talked about in the beginning of this chapter, except you don't have to download them; you only have to copy them from the CD to your computer's hard disk. Once copied, you can edit them using Windows Notepad or a similar text editor, and then copy the edited HTML code into your eBay item listings. It's as easy as thatcopy (from the CD), edit (in your text editor), and copy again (to your eBay item listing). It's a great way to spruce up your eBay auctions, without having to learn HTML code.

Of course, if you want even better-looking listings, the HTML thing becomes necessary. That's what the rest of the book is all about, so if you're interested, turn the page to start learning how to code HTML!
