eBay Auction Templates Starter Kit

eBay also provides a similar set of custom HTML tags you can use when designing your eBay Stores pages. These tags are described in Table A.2 You can also find a listing of these tags online, at pages.ebay.com/help/specialtysites/stores-specific-tags.html. Note, however, that these tags are enclosed in curly brackets, rather than the normal angle brackets.

Table A.2. eBay Stores HTML Codes





Displays your user feedback.

SIZE="n" (specifies how many items you want to display)

COLOR="color" (displays the lower feedback line in color)

ALTERNATECOLOR="color" (displays the upper feedback line in color)

BORDER="n" (adds a border of n width around the listings)

TABLEWIDTH="n" (specifies the width of the feedback table, as a percentage of the available width)

CELLPADDING="n" (adds spacing between the feedback comments)


Displays a promotion box that contains the text you specify.

ID="text" (specifies the text to display in the promo box)


Displays a specific item.

ITEM="nnn" (specifies the item number to display)

DISPLAY="n" (displays item using a numeric code to specify method: 0=list view, 1=gallery view)

BORDER="n" (displays item with a border of specified size)

TABLEWIDTH="n" (displays item in a table of n width, where n is a percentage of the available width)


Displays specific details about an item in your store.

ITEM="nnn" (specifies the item number to display)

PROPERTY="title" (displays the items title)

PROPERTY="price" (displays the item's current price)

PROPERTY="binprice" (displays the item's Buy It Now price)

PROPERTY="time" (displays the item's remaining time)

PROPERTY="picture" (displays the item's Gallery picture)

PROPERTY="URL" (displays the item's URL)


Displays in a special showcase display items you currently have for sale.

SORT="n" (sorts items using a specific numeric code: 2=ending first, 4=newly listed, 0=highest price, 1=lowest price)

ITEM="w,x,y,z" (displays up to 4 items having the item numbers you manually specify)

DISPLAY="n" (displays items using a numeric code to specify method: 0=list view, 1=gallery view)

BORDER="n" (displays items with a border of specified size)

TABLEWIDTH="n" (displays items in a table of n width, where n is a percentage of the available width)

STORECADID="n" (displays items from one of your custom store categories, where n is the ID number of the category)

KEYWORDS="keyword" (displays items that include in their titles the keywords you specify)

MINPRICE="x" MAXPRICE="y" (displays items that fall between a specified minimum and maximum price)

LISTINGFORMAT="n" (displays items that use the specified listing format: 1=online auction, 6=real estate, 7=store inventory, 9=fixed price)

SIZE="n" (displays a set number of items, up to 4)

BACKFILL="setting" (specifies whether items you've manually selected will be automatically replaced when they are sold; values are on and off)


Displays a search box that shoppers can use to search for items in your eBay Store.



Displays your user ID.

