Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 2.0 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit

In this hour we started in the development phase for the online photo album application. We started by enumerating the pages needed in the project, which included a master page and six additional pages, and creating the actual files for these six pages.

After these dummy pages were created, we started implementing various pages. We began with the user account-related pagesCreateAccount.aspx and Login.aspxwhich allow a user to create a new account and to log in to the site, respectively. Following that, we created the site's home page, which listed all of the approved, nonlocked-out users in the system, along with a link to their photo album.

Finally, we started work on the photo album administration web pages, which users visit to manage the categories and pictures of their album. In this hour we merely added the functionality to edit, insert, and delete categories. In the next and final hour, we'll work on the PhotoAdmin/Default.aspx page, which includes the capability for users to add, edit, and delete pictures. In the next hour we will also look at displaying the images in a particular user's photo album as well as leaving comments for a particular picture.

There are no quizzes or exercises for this hour.
