Special Edition Using Visual Basic.NET

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Special Edition Using Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET

By Brian Siler, Jeff Spotts

Table of Contents
Part V:  Visual Basic and Databases

In this chapter

Using the ADO Objects

Using Disconnected Recordsets

Exercise: Displaying a Recordset in a DataGrid

In the last chapter, we looked at the basics of accessing a database and creating SQL statements. This chapter is the first of two that explore the ActiveX Data Objects, or ADO. ADO is a means by which you can access all sorts of databases from Visual Basic code. In the latest version of Visual Basic, ADO has been replaced with ADO.NET. However, ADO is an established technology and there are many existing programs that use it. In addition, many of the concepts described in this chapter are a good way to learn about interacting with a database, regardless of the technology used. This chapter provides an introduction to ADO, which may be useful if you are maintaining existing applications. If you are building a new application, please read Chapter 22, "Using ADO.NET (ADO)."

