Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 7 and Logic Express 7

Lesson 12. Setting Up the Audio Environment

Time Goals

APTS_Logic_7 > Song Files > Lesson 12 Project Files > 12Begin.lso

APTS_Logic_7 > Song Files > Lesson 12 Project Files > Autoload.lso

This lesson takes approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Configure Logic to work with audio

Learn how audio enters and exits Logic through channels

Create Audio Objects in a customized Environment Audio layer

Finish and lock your Autoload Song

In Lesson 11, "Setting Up the MIDI Environment," you learned that Objects form the connections between Logic and the rest of your studio. For example, MIDI signals enter and exit Logic through Instrument Objects in Logic's Environment. Audio is handled much the same way, and before Logic will record or play sound, you must populate the Environment with Audio Objects that connect Logic to your computer's audio interface.
