Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 7 and Logic Express 7

Punching in and out on a recording is a concept that goes back to traditional analogue multitrack recorders. This is not something that your typical consumer tape deck can do. The basic idea is that you may want to play the track you've just recorded up to a certain point, then start recording, and then revert back to playback, in one continuous process. This is handy for replacing certain parts of a track that don't sound right. Trying to record right at the offending part (as in the past exercise) makes it difficult to hear and feel the context of the part you are trying to replace.


Only the tracks that are record-enabled will be affected by punching.

There are two ways to punch: by predefining punch-in and punch-out points with Logic's Autodrop feature, or by using key taps to punch in and out as you record (that is, punching on the fly).

Using Autodrop

Autodrop is Logic's way to predefine the area you want to punch. Autodrop uses a process similar to creating a cycle Region to set punch-in and punch-out points. Once you define this area, the recording happens only between these two points, in your autodrop zoneeven if you start to record or play back from before the area you want to punch. In this exercise you're going to rerecord yourself speaking over bar 4, using the Autodrop feature.


In the Transport panel, click the Autodrop button (the Tool Tip says Toggle Drop).

In the top portion of the Bar Ruler an autodrop zone appears. The autodrop zone looks very similar to a Cycle range, except it's half as tall. You can move and resize the autodrop zone exactly the same way as you'd move or resize a Cycle range: Grab it in the middle and drag to move it, or grab the lower corners and drag to resize it.


Adjust the autodrop zone so it starts at 4 1 1 1 and ends at 5 1 1 1.


You can also drag an autodrop zone into the Bar Ruler by Option-dragging from left to right.

As you adjust the autodrop zone, the Transport panel's locators update to display the autodrop zone's left and right boundaries. Use the locators to confirm your position.


Place the SPL at bar 1 and click Record. When the SPL gets to bar 4, start counting.


You can start counting sooner, but anything you say before the SPL reaches bar 4 will not be recorded.

Notice that Logic automatically punched you in and out where you told it to. You should now have a new Object in the area that you autodropped in on. If you make a mistake, simply undo it (Cmd-Z) and try it again.


Turn the Autodrop mode off.


Undoing a record operation does not erase the file from the drive. The file will still remain in the Audio window. You'll learn how to clean up unused files in just a few exercises.

Punching on the Fly (Logic Pro Only)

Instead of predefining the area you want to record, you can tap keys to punch in and punch out whenever and wherever you want. For this to work, Logic needs to be in the Punch on the Fly mode. This lets it know to be ready for a recording at any time.

When you're punching on the fly, it's important to initiate each punch-in and punch-out by using a command called Record Toggle. (Logic tends to behave sluggishly when you punch in by simply hitting the Record button while in playback.) Record Toggle is only accessible through a key command that is not assigned in the default Logic key command set. This key command toggles between the Playback and Record mode. During playback you use this key command to punch in, and then again to punch out. You can even punch in and punch out multiple times throughout the same track.

Let's set up the Record Toggle key command and try punch-on-the-fly recording.


Press Option-K.

The Key Commands window opens.


In the Key Commands window's search field, type Record Toggle.

The Record Toggle key command is displayed in the Key Commands window.


Click the Learn by Key Label button.


Press Shift-*.

Shift-* is added as the Record Toggle key Command.


You may want to assign the Record Toggle function to a single-stroke key command that doesn't require a modifier key like Shift.


Close the Key Commands window.

The key command is set, so let's enable punch-on-the-fly recording and try it out.


From Logic's main menu bar, make sure that the Audio > Punch On The Fly option is enabled.


Position the SPL at bar 1.


Click the Play button.


Just before bar 3, press Shift-* and say three at bar 3. Just after you say it, press Shift-* again to punch out.

You end up with a new Object around bar 3 for the area you recorded.


Stop playback.

This may take some practice. Remember, if you mess up, just undo it and try again.
