C Programming on the IBM PC (C Programmers Reference Guide Series)
The stack class supports a stack. Its template specification is shown here:
template <class T, class Container = deque<T> > class stack
Here, T is the type of data being stored and Container is the type of container used to hold the queue. It has the following constructor:
explicit stack(const Container &cnt = Container( ));
The stack( ) constructor creates an empty stack. By default, it uses a deque as a container, but a stack can be accessed only in a last-in, first-out manner. You may also use a vector or list as a container for a stack. The container is held in a protected member called c of type Container.
The following comparison operators are defined for stack:
==, <, <=, !=, >, >=
stack contains the following member functions:
Member | Description |
bool empty( ) const; | Returns true if the invoking stack is empty and false otherwise. |
void pop( ); | Removes the top of the stack, which is technically the last element in the container. |
void push(const value_type &val); | Pushes an element onto the end of the stack. The last element in the container represents the top of the stack. |
size_type size( ) const; | Returns the number of elements currently in the stack. |
value_type &top( );cont value_type &top( ) const; | Returns a reference to the top of the stack, which is the last element in the container. The element is not removed. |