PHP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for PHP Programmers
6.12.1. Problem
You want to create and define a function as your program is running. 6.12.2. Solution
Use create_function( ): $add = create_function('$i,$j', 'return $i+$j;'); $add(1, 1); // returns 2
6.12.3. Discussion
The first parameter to create_function( ) is a string that contains the arguments for the function, and the second is the function body. Using create_function( ) is exceptionally slow, so if you can predefine the function, it's best to do so. The most frequently used case of create_function( ) in action is to create custom sorting functions for usort( ) or array_walk( ): // sort files in reverse natural order usort($files, create_function('$a, $b', 'return strnatcmp($b, $a);')); 6.12.4. See Also
Recipe 4.17 for information on usort( ); documentation on create_function( ) at and on usort( ) at . |