PHP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for PHP Programmers

11.7.1. Problem

You need to collect statistics from log tables that are too large to efficiently query in real time.

11.7.2. Solution

Create a table that stores summary data from the complete log table, and query the summary table to generate reports in nearly real time.

11.7.3. Discussion

Let's say that you are logging search queries that web site visitors use on search engines like Google and Yahoo! to find your web site, and tracking those queries in MySQL. Your search term tracking log table has this structure:

CREATE TABLE searches ( searchterm VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, # search term determined from HTTP_REFERER parsing dt DATETIME NOT NULL, # request date source VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL # site where search was performed );

If you are fortunate enough to be logging thousands or tens of thousands of visits from the major search engines per hour, the searches table could grow to an unmanageable size over a period of several months.

You may wish to generate reports that illustrate trends of search terms that have driven traffic to your web site over time from each major search engine so that you can determine which search engine to purchase advertising with.

Create a summary table that reflects what your report needs to display, and then query the full dataset hourly and store the result in the summary table for speedy retrieval during report generation. Your summary table would have this structure:

CREATE TABLE searchsummary ( searchterm VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, # search term source VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, # site where search was performed sdate DATE NOT NULL, # date search performed searches INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, # number of searches PRIMARY KEY (searchterm, source, sdate) );

Your report generation script can then use PDO to query the searchsummary table, and if results are not available, collect them from the searches table and cache the result in searchsummary:

$st = $db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM searchsummary WHERE sdate = ?'); $st->execute(array(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('yesterday')))); $row = $st->fetch(); // no matches in cache if ($row[0] == 0) { $st2 = $db->prepare('SELECT searchterm, source, FROM_DAYS(TO_DAYS(dt)) AS sdate, COUNT(*) as searches WHERE TO_DAYS(dt) = ?'); $st2->execute(array(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('yesterday')))); $stInsert = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO searchsummary (searchterm,source,sdate,searches) VALUES (?,?,?,?)'); while ($row->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $stInsert->execute($row); } } ?>

Using this technique, your script will only incur the overhead of querying the full log table once, and all subsequent requests will retrieve a single row of summary data per search term.

11.7.4. See Also

Recipe 10.7 for information about PDO::prepare( ) and PDOStatement::execute( ) .
