PHP Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for PHP Programmers


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

[See also $ENV array]

!== (nonidentity) operator

" (double quotes)


     escaping in database queries

$ (dollar sign)


$_COOKIE array 2nd

     global variable injection

$_ENV array

$_FILES array 2nd

$_GET array

     global variable injection, preventing

     required fields and

     REST methods, serving

     REST requests and

$_POST array

     global variable injection, preventing

     required fields and

     verifying data with hashes

$_REQUEST array

$_SERVER array 2nd 3rd 4th

     detecting SSL

     REST methods, serving

     SOAP authentication

$_SESSION array

$GLOBALS array 2nd




$HTTP_POST_FILES arrays 2nd




% (percent sign)

     format operators and

     remainder operator, as a

% (SQL wildcard)

%i specifier

%n specifier

& (ampersand)

     interpreting GET query stings

' (single quotes)

     escaping in database queries

( ) (parentheses)

* (asterisk)

+ (plus sign)

     GET query strings

     merging arrays

-> (arrow)

     accessing methods or variables

     static properties and methods, defining

. (dot)

     concatenation operator 2nd

     regular expression metacharacter

/ (forward slash)

     Perl m/ / pattern matching 2nd

/i flag 2nd

:: (double colon)

     accessing methods or variables

; (semicolon), using heredoc formats

<<< (heredoc format) [See also heredoc format]

<img> source tag [See img source tag]

<option/> element

<select/> element

<textarea> form field

= (equals) 2nd

     cloning objects

     object references, assigning

=& operator 2nd

     object references, assigning

== (equality) operator 2nd

=== (identity) operator 2nd

? (question mark) 2nd

     U pattern-modifier and

?: operator

@ (at sign) in email addresses

[ ] (square brackets)

     character classes, matching with

     configuration files, parsing

     form elements with multiple options and

     HTML checkbox values and

\ (backslash)

     directories in pathnames


\b word-boundary metacharacter

\n (newline)


     wrapping lines and

\n (newline) escape sequence

\r (carriage return)


\s whitespace metacharacter

\t (tab)

\w (word character)

^ (caret)

_ (SQL wildcard)

_ (underscore)

__autoload( )

__call( ) 2nd 3rd

     binding functions and

__CLASS__ constant

__clone method

__construct( ) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

__destruct( )

__FILE__ constant 2nd

     using shmop_open( )

__FUNCTION__ constant

__get( )

__isset( )

__LINE__ constant

__METHOD__ constant

__set( )

__setSoapHeaders( )

__sleep( )

__soapCall( ) 2nd 3rd 4th

     redefinging endpoints

__toString( ) 2nd

__unset( )

__wakeUp( ) 2nd

_getch( )

` (backtick)

{ } (curly braces)

     dynamic variable names and

     interpolating strings and

| (vertical bar)
