Special Edition Using Adobe Creative Suite 2
If you work with Shockwave, you'll be delighted to learn that it's quite simple to prepare your work in ImageReady and then save it as a Shockwave-compatible file, ready to drop into your Shockwave application. Saving Files in SWF Format (ImageReady)
Technically speaking, you don't save your ImageReady file in Shockwave format, you export it; but this makes no real difference. In a multilayered Photoshop file, each layer of the file is exported as one SWF object, or each layer can be exported as separate SWF files using the Layers As Files command. When the entire file is exported to one SWF file, animation frames are exported as SWF animation frames. URLs in slices and image maps are preserved when exported. Rollovers are ignored. The exported images do not change when you roll over them. Layers in a Photoshop document, layered GIF, or PNG-24 file can be preserved when exported from ImageReady and then imported into Macromedia Flash. Use the Layers As Files command to export the individual layers as separate SWF files. When the SWF files are imported in a SWF document, they each appear on separate layers. You can also export individual animation frames as separate SWF files using the Animation As Files command. Again, each SWF file appears on a separate layer when imported into Macromedia Flash. Use the File, Export menu in ImageReady to open the simple dialog shown in Figure 12.20. Choose the appropriate options and click OK to save the file as an SWF document, which you can then open in Shockwave. Figure 12.20. This figure shows the original image and the Export to SWF dialog.
If you prefer, each layer can be exported as separate SWF files using the Layers As Files command. When the entire file is exported to one SWF file, animation frames are exported as SWF animation frames. URLs in slices and image maps are preserved when exported. Rollovers are ignored. The exported images do not change when you roll over them. Layers in a Photoshop file can be preserved when exported from ImageReady and then imported into Macromedia Flash. Use the Layers As Files command to export the individual layers as separate SWF files. When the SWF files are imported in a SWF document, they each appear on separate layers. You can also export individual animation frames as separate SWF files using the Animation As Files command. Again, each SWF file appears on a separate layer when imported into Macromedia Flash. |