Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation (Pro Developer)
- queue synchronization scope
A WDF synchronization mechanism in which the framework acquires a presentation lock at the queue object level.
- race condition
A situation in which two or more routines attempt to access the same data and the result of the operation depends upon the order in which the access occurs.
- raise an exception
A deliberate transfer of control to an exception handler when an exception occurs. A kernel-mode component, including any kernel-mode driver, cannot raise an exception while running at IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL without crashing the system.
- raised IRQL
Any interrupt request level that is greater than PASSIVE_LEVEL.
- raw resource list
A list of hardware resources that the PnP manager assigns to a device. The raw resource list reflects the physical design of the device.
- reflector
A filter driver at the top of the kernel-mode device stack that facilitates communication between the kernel-mode device stack and all of the UMDF drivers on the system.
- request completion callback
A driver-implemented function that is called at the driver's request after the completion of an I/O request that the driver created or sent down the stack.
- root-enumerated device
A device whose devnode is a child of the root device in the PnP manager's device tree.
- scatter/gather DMA
A form of DMA in which data is transferred to and from noncontiguous ranges of physical memory.
- scatter/gather list
A list of one or more paired base addresses and lengths that describe the physical locations from which to transfer data in scatter/gather DMA.
Static Driver Verifier
- security descriptor
A data structure used to hold per-object security information, including the object's owner, group, protection attributes, and audit information.
- security violation
An attempt by a user-mode process to access an object without having the correct access rights for the requested operation.
- sequential dispatch
A queue dispatching technique in which a queue delivers I/O requests to the driver one at a time, only after the previously dispatched request has been completed or requeued.
- serialization
The management of two concurrent items of the same class, such as callback functions or I/O requests, to prevent their concurrent operation.
- setup class GUID
A GUID that identifies a device setup class.
- sleep state
A system or device power state other than the system or device working state, S0 or D0.
- software driver
A driver that does not control any hardware, either directly or through a protocol such as USB.
- spin lock
A synchronization object that ensures mutually exclusive access at DISPATCH_LEVEL.
- static analysis
A testing method that involves examining the source or object code of a program without executing the code, typically to detect coding errors.
- static verification
The use of static analysis to verify that the program complies with a specification or protocol.
- structured exception handling
A system feature that supports controlled transfers to exception handlers when certain runtime exceptions occur.
- surprise removal
The unexpected removal of a device by a user without using the Device Manager or Safely Remove Programs application.
- symbolic link
(1) An instance of the symbolic link object type, representing a "soft alias" that equates one name to another within the object manager's name space. (2) A file object with special properties. When a symbolic link file is encountered as a component of a path name, rather than opening the file itself, the file system is redirected to a target file.
- system working state
System state S0, the fully on, fully operational power state.
- symbol file
A file that contains information about an executable image, including the names and addresses of functions and variables.
- symbolic link name
A name for a device that is typically created only by older drivers that run with applications that use MS-DOS device names to access a device.
- synchronization
A general term for the management of operations that share data or resources to ensure that access to such shared resources occurs in a controlled manner.
- synchronization scope
A configurable object-based mechanism through which a driver can specify the degree of concurrency for certain object callbacks.
The file extension used for kernel-mode driver binaries.
- system event log
A file that contains a record of system events.
- system power state
The level of power consumption by the system as a whole. System power states range from S0 to S5, where S0 is the fully-on working state and S5 is the completely powered-down state.