Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation (Pro Developer)


COM conventions, 588–589

device objects, 145, 160

I/O targets, 315

input and output buffers, 247

KMDF conventions, 104–105

KMDF device naming, 159–162

methods, 93

property stores, 448–449

UMDF conventions, 95–97

neither I/O, 34–35, 228, 230–231

parameter validation, 62

retrieving buffers in KMDF drivers, 248–250

thread context and, 510–511

nesting driver annotations, 779, 781

new operator, device callback object creation, 149

newsgroups, 21


NIC_INTERRUPT_Xxx macros, 545

NMake all command, 624

NMI (nonmaskable interrupt) callbacks, 516

no scope (synchronization), 387

noise in coding style, 749–752, 815

non-power-managed queues, 179, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 258

non-power-pageable devices, 174–176

noncancelable I/O requests, 294

nondefault queues, creating, 263–264, 266–267

None method (IWDFIoRequest), 292

nonfatal errors, handling, 58–59

NonFDONotPowerPolicyOwnerAPI rule, 854

nonmaskable interrupts, 516

nonmemory resource annotations, 792–799

nonpaged pool (memory), 43, 48

NonPnpDrvPowerPolicyOwnerAPI rule, 854

__notnull annotation, 765

NotPowerPolicyOwner rule, 853–854


NTDDI_VERSION macro, 628

NTDEV list server, 21

NTFSD list server, 21

NTSTATUS type, 48, 59, 593

NTTARGETFILES macro, 627, 631

__null annotation, 765

NULL pointers, detecting, 741–742, 787

__nullnullterminated annotation, 761, 772

__nullterminated annotation, 757, 761, 771–772
