Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation (Pro Developer)

This book is structured to provide you with the basic information you need to develop a WDF driver and assumes that you have no prior experience with driver development. The book starts with how a driver functions in the Windows operating system environment, and then builds on this information to describe how to use WDF to implement drivers.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is intended for developers with a solid foundation in programming with the C or C++ language who are interested in implementing Windows drivers, including:

Under WDF, developing user-mode drivers requires an understanding of C++, whereas kernel-mode drivers are almost always written in C. If you are unfamiliar with either language, you should consult any of the many books on these languages. By building on your knowledge of C and C++ and your familiarity with Windows programming, this book provides the concepts, guidelines, programming examples, and tips to get you started with WDF drivers.

About Part 1: Getting Started with WDF

The first part of this book provides an introduction to tools and resources, basic Windows operating system and driver concepts, and an overview of WDF.

About Part 2: Exploring the Frameworks

Although the two WDF frameworks are similar in many ways, they are not identical; each has its strengths and limitations. In Part 2, you'll find a detailed tour of the frameworks.

About Part 3: Applying WDF Fundamentals

After you have a solid conceptual understanding of the architecture and components of the WDF frameworks, it's time to dive into the details of Windows drivers that will absorb much of your time and energy during development. This part of the book explores a number of important concepts and practices.

About Part 4: Digging Deeper: More Topics for WDF Drivers

A kernel-mode driver is, in effect, part of the Windows operating system and consequently must manage additional complications that do not apply to user-mode drivers. KMDF drivers might be required to deal with the subtleties of hardware interrupts and direct memory access. For UMDF drivers, you need to understand how to use and implement COM objects. These deeper subjects are explored in this part of the book.

About Part 5: Building, Installing, and Testing a WDF Driver

Drivers must be built, tested, debugged, and installed by using a set of tools and techniques designed specifically for driver development. In addition to the standard tools, WDF includes a set of verification, testing, and debugging tools to make it easier to produce robust WDF drivers.


The glossary contains a list of the terms and acronyms used in this book. A comprehensive glossary of driver development terms is provided in the WDK.
