Name | Parameters | Description |
AcceptChanges | none | Commits all changes made to this DataSet since it was loaded or the last time the AcceptChanges method was called. |
BeginInit | none | Begins the initialization of a DataSet that is used on a form or used by another component. |
Clear | none | Clears the DataSet of all data. |
Clone | none | Clones the structure of the DataSet . |
Copy | none | Copies both the structure and data for this DataSet . |
Dispose | none | Releases the resources used by the MarshalByValueComponent. |
Equals | obj (Object) | Determines whether the specified object is the same instance as the current object. |
Equals | objA (Object) objB (Object) | Determines if the specified object instances are equal. |
GetChanges | none | Returns a copy of the DataSet that contains all changes made to the DataSet since it was loaded or the AcceptChanges method was called. |
GetChanges | rowStates (DataRowState) | Returns a copy of the DataSet that contains all changes made to the DataSet since it was loaded or the AcceptChanges method was called, filtered by DataRowState . |
GetHashCode | none | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. |
GetService | service (Type) | Get the implementer of the IServiceProvider. |
GetType | none | Retrieves the type of the object. |
GetXml | none | Retrieves an xml representation of the data stored in the DataSet . |
GetXmlSchema | none | Retrieves the XSD schema for the XML representation of the data in the DataSet . |
HasChanges | none | Retrieves a value indicating whether the DataSet has changes. |
HasChanges | rowStates (DataRowState) | Retrieves a value indicating whether the DataSet has changes, filtered by DataRowState . |
InferXmlSchema | stream (Stream) nsArray[] (String) | Infers the XML schema from the specified Stream object into the DataSet . |
InferXmlSchema | fileName (String) nsArray[] (String) | Infers the XML schema from the specified file into the DataSet . |
InferXmlSchema | reader (TextReader) nsArray[] (String) | Infers the XML schema from the specified TextReader into the DataSet . |
InferXmlSchema | reader (XmlReader) nsArray[] (String) | Infers the XML schema from the specified TextReader into the DataSet . |
Merge | rows[] (DataRow) | Merges the DataSet with an array of DataRow objects. |
Merge | table (DataTable) | Merges the DataSet with a specified DataTable . |
Merge | dataSet (DataSet) | Merges the DataSet into a specified DataSet . |
Merge | dataSet (DataSet) preserveChanges (Boolean) | Merges the DataSet with a specified DataSet , preserving changes according to the specified argument. |
Merge | rows[] (DataRow) preserveChanges (Boolean) missingSchemaAction (MissingSchemaAction) | Merges the DataSet with an array of DataRow objects, preserving changes, and handling incompatible schema according to the specified arguments. |
Merge | dataSet (DataSet) preserveChanges (Boolean) missingSchemaAction (MissingSchemaAction) | Merges the DataSet with a specified DataSet , preserving changes, and handling incompatible schema according to the specified arguments. |
Merge | table (DataTable) preserveChanges (Boolean) missingSchemaAction (MissingSchemaAction) | Merges the DataSet with a specified DataTable , preserving changes, and handling incompatible schema according to the specified arguments. |
ReadXml | reader (XmlReader) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified XMLReader object. |
ReadXml | stream (Stream) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified Stream object. |
ReadXml | reader (TextReader) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified TextReader object. |
ReadXml | fileName (String) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified file. |
ReadXml | stream (Stream) Mode (XmlReadMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified Stream and XmlReadMode. |
ReadXml | fileName (String) Mode (XmlReadMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified file and XmlReadMode. |
ReadXml | reader (TextReader) Mode (XmlReadMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified TextReader and XmlReadMode. |
ReadXml | reader (XmlReader) Mode (XmlReadMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified XmlReader and XmlReadMode. |
ReadXmlSchema | reader (XmlReader) | Reads the XML schema into the DataSet from the specified XmlReader object. |
ReadXmlSchema | stream (Stream) | Reads the XML schema into the DataSet from the specified Stream object. |
ReadXmlSchema | reader (TextReader) | Reads the XML schema into the DataSet from the specified TextReader object. |
ReadXmlSchema | fileName (String) | Reads the XML schema into the DataSet from the specified file. |
RejectChanges | none | Rolls back all changes made to the DataSet since it was loaded or the last time the AcceptChanges method was called. |
Reset | none | Resets the DataSet to its original state. |
ToString | none | Returns a string that represents the current object. |
WriteXml | writer (XmlWriter) | Writes the current schema and data for the DataSet using the specified XMLWriter object. |
WriteXml | fileName (String) | Writes the current schema and data for the DataSet using the specified file. |
WriteXml | stream (Stream) | Writes the current schema and data for the DataSet using the specified Stream object. |
WriteXml | writer (TextWriter) | Writes the current schema and data for the DataSet using the specified TextWriter object. |
WriteXml | stream (Stream) mode (XmlWriteMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified XmlReader and XmlReadMode. |
WriteXml | fileName (String) mode (XmlWriteMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified XmlReader and XmlReadMode. |
WriteXml | writer (TextWriter) mode (XmlWriteMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified XmlReader and XmlReadMode. |
WriteXml | writer (XmlWriter) mode (XmlWriteMode) | Reads XML schema and data into the DataSet using the specified XmlReader and XmlReadMode. |
WriteXmlSchema | writer (TextWriter) | Writes the DataSet structure as an XML schema to the specified TextWriter object. |
WriteXmlSchema | stream (Stream) | Writes the DataSet structure as an XML schema to the specified Stream object. |
WriteXmlSchema | fileName (String) | Writes the DataSet structure as an XML schema to the specified file. |
WriteXmlSchema | writer (XMLWriter) | Writes the DataSet structure as an XML schema to the XMLWriter object. |