Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio .NET

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Macro Explorer, 8, 113, 119, 137

Macro Explorer & Macros IDE, 237-272

basics and definitions, 237-238

debugging macros, 250-258

macros IDE basics, 249-250

managing with Macro Explorer, 238-243

recording macros, 243-246

running existing macros, 247-249

shortcut keys, 246

smart desktop add-in, 258-272

CloneProcedure, 258-261

documenting procedures, 262-272

modified CloneProcedure feature, 261-262

macro facility

code example, 119

defined, 237-239

shortcut keys, 239


CreatSolution1 macro, 281, 283

debugging, 250-258

defined, 237

DTE objects and, 241-242

IDE basics, 249-250

Macro Explorer, 113

Macros object, 470

manually created macro (code listing), 250

OpenExistingSolution1 (code listing), 278

recording, 7, 243-246

RemoveProjectFromSolution (code listing), 278

running existing, 247-249

selecting automation technology, 316-317

shortcut keys, 246

ShowOneProjectionItemCollection macro, 279

writing and organizing, 8

Macros IDE (Integrated Development Environment). See also Macro Explorer & Macros IDE

basics, 249-250

power to develop & test code, 455

using, 455

MainMenu array, 173

MaintainBuildRules add-in, 286-302

Maintain build rules form (code listing), 291-301

manually created macro (code listing), 250

MemoLine function, 71-72

MemoLine method, 349


adding to forms, 172-177

adding to forms (code listing), 172-174

code modified to add (code listing), 183-187

creating (MS Office), 219-222

and events, dimensioning (code listing), 219-220

setting up basic, 401-432

CMenuHandler class, 406-408

Comment menu, 402-406, 408-410

Context Comment feature, 410-415

summary of remaining, 415-432

designer menu, 420-421

windows menu, 416-420

and toolbar, Microsoft Office (code listing), 198-213

MessageBox designer form, 421, 425-427, 432

method declaration line, 505

Microsoft Office

CommandBarControls, 198-223

Command objects, interfacing with, 223

menus, creating, 219-222

toolbars, creating, 213-218

toolbar & menus (code listing), 198-213

Mid function, 455

migrating VB 6.0 add-ins to .NET, 439-456

background, 439-441

conversion to .NET, completing, 450-455

Add-in Wizard to create add-in framework, 452-453

automation samples, 455

centralizing references to extensibility object, 453

Macros IDE, 455

Migration Wizard, 451-452

.NET Framework classes, 455

printing in Visual Basic .NET, 454

upgrading to ADO.NET, 454

upgrading to IDTExtensibility2 objects, 453

fundamentals, 439-441

Migration Wizard, running on addins, 443-450

diagnostics, 443-445

.NET replacement for VBAddin.ini, 447-450

Option Strict, 445-446

registering add-ins, 448-449

registry entries for add-ins, creating, 449-450

setup projects, building, 450

VB 6.0 add-in code unnecessary, 446-447

preparing to migrate an add-in, 441-442

Migration Wizard

converting VB 6.0 to .NET, 451-452

diagnostics, 443-445

running on add-ins, 443-450

.NET replacement for VBAddin.ini, 447-450

Option Strict, 445-446

registering add-ins, 448-449

registry entries for add-ins, creating, 449-450

setup projects, building, 450

VB 6.0 add-in code unnecessary, 446-447

MLCount method, 71-72, 349

mnuCommentHandler Click event, 400

ModeChanged event, 370

module, form or class, adding new, 491

module level, moving CommandObj to (code listing), 31

module-level variables, inserting (code listing), 123-124


events, 406

method, 408


events, 405-406

method, 408

MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)

code, 417

extensibility objects in, 459

for Visual Studio .NET, 121

MSOButton parameter, 188


.sln file, 25

.vbproj file, 25

displayed, 26-27

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