Beginning Access 2002 VBA (Programmer to Programmer)


V \t, Chapter 1: Designing Applications

validation rules, tables

SQL Server migration, Upsizing Wizard, Running the Upsizing Wizard


Dim statements \rDim1, Declaring Variables, Dynamic Arrays, Creating Automation Objects

Dim statements \rDim2, Variant

global variables \b \rglobal1, Global Variables

lifetime \b, Variable Scope and Lifetime

local variables \b \rlocal1, Variable Scope and Lifetime

local variables \b \rlocal2, Local Variables

object variables \rvariables1, Creating Automation Objects

private variables \b, Global Variables

private variables \b \rprivate2, Private Variables

private variables \b \rprivate3, Public vs. Private

public variables, Variable Scope and Lifetime, Hide Your Data

public variables \b, Global Variables

public variables \b \rpublic2, Public Variables

scope \b \rscope1, Variable Scope and Lifetime

static variables \b \rstatic1, Variable Scope and Lifetime

static variables \b \rstatic2, Static Variables

types \b \rtypes1, Variable Types

variables \i \rvariables1, Variables, Use Variables, Not Properties

Variant type, Variable Types, Use the Right Data Type, Use Integer Arithmetic Where Possible

empty value \b \rempty1, The Empty Value

null value \b \rnull1, The Null Value

Variant type \i \rVariant2, Variant

Variant type \rVariant1, Optional Arguments

VarType function \i \rVarType1, The VarType() Function

VarType function \rVarType1, Determining the Type of a Variant, Try It Out-Implementing the PaymentStats logic

VBA code, Use Me

Versions property, Application object, New Object Properties & Methods

views, SQL Server, What's New in your Database?, Views

advantages, Views

creating, example, Views

disadvantages, Views

updating data using, example, Views

