Advanced Linux Networking
I'd like to thank my editor, Karen Gettman, for her careful work shepherding this book through the production process. She was helped in this task by Emily Frey, the project coordinator , who received my chapters and generally saw that things went smoothly. No technical book can reach print without the assistance of technical experts, who help ensure that what the author writes resembles reality as closely as possible. This book's reviewers were Karel Baloun, Amy Fong, Howard Lee Harkness, Harold Hauck, Eric H. Herrin II, David King, Rob Kolstad, Matthew Miller, Ian Redfern, and Alexy Zinin. If any errors remain after the text ran their gauntlet, those errors are, of course, my own. Even aside from his help in technical reviewing, I'd like to thank David King for many helpful discussions about Linux networking. Finally, I'd like to thank my agent, Neil Salkind at Studio B, who helped get this book off the ground, with help from Michael Slaughter at Addison-Wesley. |