Linux in a Windows World
13.2. Configuring Sendmail
Sendmail has long been the most common SMTP server. Although its popularity has dropped somewhat in recent years, it remains the dominant mail server on the Internet at large and is the standard mail server installed in many Linux distributions, including Fedora, Red Hat, and Slackware. To configure sendmail, you must first know where to find its configuration files, understand their formats, and know how to create and modify these files. These tasks are trickier in sendmail than in most other mail servers, which is one of sendmail's big drawbacks compared to other popular Linux mail servers, especially for new mail administrators. This chapter looks at three particularly important areas of sendmail configuration: address options, relay options, and antispam options.
13.2.1. Sendmail Configuration Files
The main sendmail configuration file is called, and it's usually located in /etc, /etc/mail, or some other subdirectory of /etc. Unfortunately, this file is very difficult to edit directly because the configuration options are numerous and have formats that are fairly obtuse. For this reason, few people even attempt to edit this file directly. Instead, they use the m4 utility to create a file from a file with a simpler format. In order to use the m4 utility, though, it must be installed on your system. What's more, the utility relies on a series of support files, which may be installed from yet another package. In Fedora and Red Hat, for instance, you must install the sendmail-cf package. Look for the m4 package on your distribution medium, and also look for any likely sendmail m4 configuration packages. (They're likely to include sendmail in the package names.) The m4 tool converts a file with a name that typically ends in .mc into sendmail's Unfortunately, the precise name used varies from one distribution to another. For instance, in Fedora and Red Hat, it's /etc/mail/, whereas in Slackware it's /usr/share/sendmail/cf/cf/ To perform the conversion, you use the m4 command, piping the .mc file into this command and redirecting output to the desired file: # m4 < /etc/mail/ > /etc/mail/
Once you've rebuilt the configuration file, you must restart sendmail. In most cases, this can by done by passing a restart or reload argument to the sendmail SysV startup script: # /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail restart
Alternatively, you can use kill to send a SIGHUP signal to the sendmail process. This procedure can be less disruptive than completely restarting sendmail, and so it may be preferable. Before you do this, however, you must make changes to your sendmail .mc file. Compared to the .cf file, the .mc file is simple and comprehensible. Most options are set in parentheses using a define or FEATURE keyword: define(`SMART_HOST',`') FEATURE(always_add_domain)
Additional option names exist, but these two account for many of the sendmail features. The parameters passed to these options are sometimes enclosed in single quotes, but unlike most configuration files, the opening and closing quote characters are different: The opening quote is actually a backtick (`), located to the left of the 1 key on most keyboards. The closing quote is an ordinary single quote character ('), located to the right of the semicolon (;) key on most keyboards. The sendmail .mc file uses the string dnl to denote a comment. Many sample configurations include quite a few options that are commented out by placing this string at the start of the line. Sometimes a hash mark (#) also appears on the line, but this character isn't an actual comment character; it's just there for the benefit of users who are accustomed to seeing a hash mark used as a comment marker. In addition to the main sendmail .cf and .mc files, other files serve to hold ancillary data:
These files usually appear in /etc/mail or sometimes in /etc. If you examine the .mc configuration file, you'll probably find references to these files. Chances are you shouldn't modify these references, although you may want to adjust the files' contents, particularly if you need to adjust your relay configurations. 13.2.2. Sendmail Address Options
In a basic sendmail configuration, the most important settings relate to ports and addressing. Some distributions ship sendmail configured to bind only to the localhost ( address. The result is that the server can be accessed only from the local computer. This can be a good configuration if you're running a desktop system that shouldn't accept outside SMTP connections, but for a mail server, you probably don't want this restriction. Check the sendmail .mc file for a line like this: DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA')dnl
If this line is present, and you want the server to accept outside connections, add dnl to the start of the line to comment out this option. If you don't see a line like this, you don't need to make any changes. Another address-related option is to set the server's hostname. Frequently, the server has a specific hostname, such as, but you want mail from your users to use your domain name only, such as, rather than Frequently, mail clients can set this address; however, if you find that some of your outgoing mail sets an incorrect domain or includes a hostname in the address, you can have sendmail change this by including the following lines in the .mc file: MASQUERADE_AS(`') FEATURE(masquerade_envelope)
Of course, you'd change in the first line to your own domain name. The first line tells sendmail what should appear to the right of the at sign (@) in email addresses if users' mail clients don't specify an address. The FEATURE(masquerade_envelope) line takes this a step further, by masquerading the address provided in email headers, which are normally invisible to users. If you don't use these options, sendmail assumes that its hostname is as set on the computer (as determined by the gethostbyname( ) system call), but sendmail won't adjust the address in outgoing email.
13.2.3. Sendmail Relay Options
An important part of any SMTP server configuration is setting mail relay options. A mail server can function as a relay (that is, accept mail that's destined for another location) or use a relay (that is, send outgoing mail by way of a server other than the ultimate destination). Setting these options so that sendmail does what you need it to do without doing too much can be tricky sometimes. Configuring sendmail to relay mail
Sendmail is frequently employed as a mail relay server for a network. That is, you configure mail clients to send all outgoing mail via the Linux sendmail server. Out of the box, though, recent versions of sendmail refuse such relay attempts as an antispam precaution. You can loosen this configuration using any of several options, specified within a FEATURE specification:
As an example, suppose you want to use the access_db method. You might then include a line like the following in your sendmail .mc file: FEATURE(`access_db')
Some configurations add more options within the parenthesessay, to specify the method of encoding data and the access database filename (normally /etc/mail/access.db). The access_db and relay_hosts_only options are the safest ways to configure mail relays, and they both use the same access.db configuration file. This file is a binary database file that's built from a text-mode file, typically called access. This text-mode file consists of lines that take the following format: host.specification CODE
In addition to these lines, the file may contain additional modifiers, as well as comments that begin with hash marks (#). The host.specification takes the form of IP addresses, IP address groups (specified by incomplete IP addresses, as in 192.168.24 for the network), hostnames, domain names, or email addresses. If you use relay_hosts_only, though, specifications must match individual computers, not groups of computers. The CODE tells sendmail what to do with mail from the specified computers:
As an example of an access file, consider the following: localhost.localdomain RELAY localhost RELAY RELAY DISCARD REJECT 192.168.24 RELAY
The first three lines tell sendmail to relay mail that's generated locally (on the localhost address, using any of three common names for that system). Such lines are common in default sendmail configurations. The next line tells the system to quietly discard mail from; but this rule has no effect on mail from other users of The fifth line rejects (refuses with a bounce message) mail from the domain. The last line authorizes sendmail to relay mail that originates from the address range, which is presumably the server's own local network. Once you've created an access file, you must convert that file to binary form using the makemap command: # makemap hash /etc/mail/access.db < /etc/mail/access Many distributions include an appropriate command as part of their sendmail startup scripts, so you may not need to explicitly enter this command. Configuring sendmail to use a relay
Mail relaying involves at least three systems: the source, the destination, and the relay. The destination requires no special configuration, and the last section described the relay itself. On the source side, though, sendmail can require special configuration. Sometimes, the source computer doesn't run sendmail at all; a source might be a desktop system running a mail client. You can, though, use sendmail as a mail source. For instance, the source system might be a Linux computer that runs programs that assume the local computer is running sendmail and that therefore try to send mail using the server. Another configuration is to have a Linux computer serve as both a relay and a source for another relay. For instance, you might want a Linux server to handle mail for your local network but to relay it through an ISP's mail server. In either case, you must configure sendmail to use another computer as a relay.
Most distributions' default sendmail configurations don't use a relay. You can add one to the mix by adding one or more lines to your .mc configuration file: define(`LOCAL_RELAY', `outgoing.mail.relay') define(`MAIL_HUB', `outgoing.mail.relay') define(`SMART_HOST', `outgoing.mail.relay') The first line applies to outgoing mail that lacks a domain or machine name (for instance, mail addressed to ben); the second applies to mail addressed to users on the computer on which sendmail is running (for instance,, where sendmail is running on; and the third applies to mail addressed to all other systems. A somewhat simpler way to implement relaying is to use another line: FEATURE(`nullclient', `outgoing.mail.relay')
This line, however, is intended for use in otherwise nearly empty configuration files. Only the FEATURE(`nocanonify') option should be used with it. In all these cases, you must adjust the outgoing.mail.relay to point to the server you want to use as a relay. Configuring sendmail to forward mail
Particularly when your domain has multiple mail servers or is connected to multiple networks, you may need to configure the system to forward mail in different ways depending on its source or destination. For instance, consider the "gatekeeper" Linux mail server in Figure 13-2. The intent of a configuration like this is to use Linux to provide useful preliminary processing on incoming mail, such as spam filtering and directing email to the correct internal mail server. This server can also pass mail between the two internal servers and filter outgoing mail. Figure 13-2. Linux can serve as a gatekeeper for one or more other mail servers
Typically, the Linux SMTP server is listed as the domain's MX server, so external systems will deliver mail to it. Likewise, the internal mail servers, and perhaps individual client systems, can deliver outgoing mail to the Linux server. The trick is to configure the Linux server to deliver mail correctly, without getting into an infinite loop. For instance, you don't want the server to attempt to deliver mail for your domain back to itself, because this creates an infinite loop. One solution is to use a feature known as a mailer table. This can be activated with a line like this in the sendmail .mc file: FEATURE(`mailertable')
This entry may include additional options, such as a pointer to the mailer table database file (typically /etc/mail/mailertable.db). Check your .mc file for the default entry, if it exists. As with many other sendmail files, this one relies on a text-mode file that's converted into a binary database file. The text-mode mailertable file contains entries like this: procmail:/etc/procmailrcs/exchange2
This configuration tells the server to deliver mail addressed to any computer in the subdomain to using SMTP and to deliver mail addressed to any computer in the subdomain using Procmail and the /etc/procmailrcs/exchange2 Procmail rule set. The first line results in a simple forwarding and so may not be extremely useful; you can just set up your DNS MX record to point directly to that computer. The second line, though, enables you to employ Procmail, which can be used as an interface to spam filters and other tools, on mail passed through the server. Procmail is described in more detail later in this chapter, in Section 13.5.4. |