Easy Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003

Most of the important cool stuff you can add to pages has been covered already, especially in Parts 6 and 7. But there are a few other fun doodads FrontPage 2003 can add to your pages ”at a price.

The cool stuff you can add by following steps in this part falls mostly into a category called components . In some cases, components in Web pages show up properly only when the page is viewed through Internet Explorer 4 or later, not through other browsers. (This also means that you must have Internet Explorer 4 or later installed on your computer to preview your work!) In other cases, a component supports multiple browsers but requires that special Microsoft software ”called FrontPage Extensions ”be installed on the server where the page is published.

So although the stuff in this part is fun and easy to add, you should refrain from using it, except in pages to be published on a local intranet where all users have Internet Explorer 4 or later, or where you know that the FrontPage Extensions are on the server. On the Internet, too many of your potential visitors will be unable to see your masterpiece in its full glory .
