A Practical Guide to LinuxR Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming
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Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] s filename extension 2nd 3rd S filename extension s filename extension safedit shell script Samba defined NBT NetBIOS share SMB Windows share WINS savehist variable 2nd 3rd sbin directory sched builtin Scheduling jobs Schema scp utility Screen, refresh script utilityScript, shell [See Shell script] Scroll Scrollbar sdiff utilitySearch keyword using apropos path string using grep string using vi 2nd Secondary prompt secure file Security access permission 2nd 3rd ACL 2nd authentication back door 2nd checksum cipher ciphertext cleartext cookie cracker cryptography cypher [See Security, cipher] DDoS attack DoS attack Kerberos Linux features locktty script password PATH variable RSA setgid setuid 2nd shred utility Trojan horse virus wiping a file worm 2nd sed utility 2nd 3rd Seed, BitTorrent Segment, network select control structure sendmail, masquerade Separating commandsServer defined mail list 2nd Message Block Protocol [See Samba] Service, directory services database Session defined failsafe set builtin 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11thSet group ID [See Setgid] setenv builtin 2nd 3rd Setgid defined display using ls permission root, files belonging to the group Setuid defined ls display of root, files owned by Sexillion sh filename extension sh Shell 2nd 3rd shar shell script Share share directoryShared library creating gcc using network topology object, filename extension Shell archive arithmetic (bash) calling program, name of command grouping 2nd separation substitution 2nd comment comparing strings control structure break case 2nd continue do 2nd 3rd 4th done 2nd 3rd 4th elif 2nd else esac fi 2nd for 2nd 3rd for...in 2nd goto if 2nd 3rd 4th if...then if...then...elif 2nd if...then...else 2nd in switch then 2nd 3rd until 2nd while 2nd 3rd 4th 5th defined environment variable 2nd exit from features function 2nd identifying job control keyword break breaksw 2nd case continue default else endsw switch then variable while login 2nd 3rd name of the calling program options [See Shell, bash;features] parameter positional special prompt 2nd 3rd 4th readonly variable sh 2nd 3rd sleep strings, comparing user-created variable variable [See Shell variable] Shell script 2nd 3rd # comment #! shell to use /dev/tty for a terminal addbanner bash birthday bundle chkargs 2nd cleanup command_menu 2nd comment count cpdir create debug defined double quotation marks 2nd error message 2nd executing 2nd find_uid finder Here document indent infinite loop invocation is_regfile links locktty 2nd makepath menu out passwd_check PATH usage quiz quote in 2nd 3rd 4th read user input recursion rename running safedit shar specifying a shell spell_check 2nd temporary filename 2nd usage message 2nd 3rd 4th 5th user input whos 2nd 3rd whoson word_count word_usage shell variable SHELL variableShell variable $! $# 2nd 3rd 4th $#argv $$ 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $* 2nd 3rd $0 $< $? 2nd $@ 2nd 3rd argv ASPELL_CONF autocorrect autolist 2nd autologout BASH_ENV CDPATH cdpath 2nd CDPATH cdpath COLUMNS correct CVSROOT cwd 2nd dirstack dunique echo EDITOR 2nd ENV FCEDIT fignore filec gid histfile 2nd 3rd HISTFILESIZE histlit 2nd history 2nd 3rd HISTSIZE HOME 2nd home HOME 2nd IFS ignoreeof 2nd input_line INPUTRC keyword LD_LIBRARY_PATH 2nd LD_RUN_PATH LESS LINES listjobs listlinks loginsh MAIL MAILCHECK MAILPATH MAILTO MANPATH naming nobeep noclobber 2nd 3rd noglob nonomatch notify OLDPWD OPTARG OPTIND owd PAGER 2nd PATH path PATH builtins do not use example find executables using which keyword shell variable tcsh positional parameter PRINTER prompt prompt2 prompt3 PS1 2nd PS2 2nd PS3 PS4 pushdsilent pushdtohome PWD quoting RANDOM readonly REPLY 2nd rmstar savehist 2nd 3rd shell SHELL shlvl status switches tcsh 2nd 3rd TERM 2nd time tperiod 2nd user verbose version VIMINIT visiblebell VISUAL watch who shift builtin 2nd 3rd 4th shlvl variable Short-circuiting operatorShortcut [See Link] shred utility Signal defined 2nd hang up kill list of names 2nd quit software termination TERM terminal interrupt Simple filename 2nd 3rd 4th Single quotation mark 2nd Single versus double quotation marks Single-user system Size of file, display using ls Skip to top of page sleep system call sleep utility 2nd Sleep, shell[Sleep]Slice [See Disk;Partition, disk] slocate database slocate utilitySMB [See Samba] Smiley Smilies, plural of smiley SMTP Snap, window Sneakernet Sniff so filename extension 2nd SOCKSSoft link [See Symbolic, link] Software termination signal Sort sort utility 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th source builtin 2nd Source code management Source repository sources.redhat.com/bzip2 2nd SPACE 2nd SPACE Boolean operator 2nd Spam defined Sparse file 2nd Spawn [See Fork]Special aliases character * ? [_] defined 2nd filename generation Here document pathname expansion quoting 2nd regular expressions standard input file, device file parameters, shell 2nd spell_check shell script 2nd Spelling correction [See aspell utility] Spinner splint utility split utility Splitting, word Spontaneous process Spoofing, IP Spool spool directory 2nd SQLSquare bracket defined test src directory ssh utilityStack defined directory, manipulation 2nd FILO Stallman, Richard 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Standard directories and files error 2nd 3rd defined 2nd exec file descriptor 2nd redirect shell script trap input defined 2nd exec file descriptor 2nd redirect special character output append defined 2nd exec file descriptor 2nd redirect 2nd 3rd Standards FHS Free Standards Group FSG FSSTND Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Linux Standard Base LSB option handlingStart emacs vim Startup file .bash_login file .bash_logout file .bash_profile file .bashrc file 2nd .cshrc .cshrc file .emacs 2nd 3rd 4th .history file 2nd .inputrc file .login file 2nd 3rd .logout file 2nd .profile file 2nd .tcshrc file 2nd .vimrc file 2nd /etc bashrc file csh.cshrc file csh.login file csh.logout file profile file bash BASH_ENV variable defined ENV variable listing source to execute tcsh vim VIMINIT variable stat() system call 2nd Statically linked library Status exit line vim status variable stdio.h C header file Steele, Guy Sticky bit 2nd stop builtin Stopping a job using the suspend key Stopping a program strace utility Streaming tapeStreams [See Connection-oriented protocol] String comparing defined double quotation marks finding using grep pattern matching (bash) variable array strings utility Stroustrup, Bjarne Structure, dataStructured Query Language [See SQL] stty utility 2ndStylesheet [See CSS] Subdirectory 2ndSubnet address defined mask number Subpixel hinting Subroutine [See Procedure] Subshell 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Substitution command 2nd parameter Superblock Supercomputers Superuser defined explained password, changing a user's powers priority suspend builtin Suspend key 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th SVID [See System, System;V Interface Definition] Swap defined file, vim space Switch [See Network, switch[Switch]] switch control structure sylpheed utility sylpheed.good-day.net Symbol table Symbolic constant debugger link 2nd 3rd 4th 5th creating using ln defined 2nd deleting using rm tcsh symlink [See Symbolic, link] Syntax, command line syslogd daemonSystem administration cron utility pwck utility tune2fs utility administrator defined powers Superuser call 2nd 3rd bad, trapping C, from chmod() chown() close() creat() defined 2nd exec() 2nd 3rd exit() filesystem operations fork fork() 2nd 3rd 4th 5th getpid() kill() lseek() manual section nice() open() process control read() 2nd sleep() stat() 2nd tracing with strace unlink() wait() write() 2nd console 2nd dataless load average mode performance programmer single-user V Interface Definition V UNIX system services database |
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