A Practical Guide to LinuxR Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming

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The Hierarchical Filesystem 76

Directory and Ordinary Files 77

Absolute Pathnames 83

Relative Pathnames 84

Working with Directories 88

Access Permissions 91

Hard Links 97

Symbolic Links 99

A Filesystem is a data structure (870) that usually resides on part of a disk and that holds directories of files. Filesystems store user and system data that are the basis of users' work on the system and the system's existence. This chapter discusses the organization and terminology of the Linux filesystem, defines ordinary and directory files, and explains the rules for naming them. It also shows how to create and delete directories, move through the filesystem, and use pathnames to access files in various directories. It includes a discussion of important files and directories as well as various types of files and ways to work with them. In addition, this chapter covers file access permissions, which allow you to share selected files with other users, and links, which can make a single file appear in more than one directory.

In addition to reading this chapter, you may want to refer to the df, fsck, mkfs, and tune2fs utilities in Part V for more information on filesystems.

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