This summary of vim includes all the commands covered in this chapter, plus a few more. Table 6-12 lists some of the ways you can call vim from the command line. Table 6-12. Calling vimCommand | Result |
vim filename | Edits filename starting at line 1 | vim +n filename | Edits filename starting at line n | vim + filename | Edits filename starting at the last line | vim +/pattern filename | Edits filename starting at the first line containing pattern | vim r filename | Recovers filename after a system crash | vim R filename | Edits filename readonly (same as opening the file with view) | You must be in Command mode to use commands that move the cursor by Units of Measure (Table 6-13). You can use these Units of Measure with Change, Delete, and Yank commands. Each of these commands can be preceded by a Repeat Factor. Table 6-13. Moving the cursor by Units of MeasureCommand | Moves the cursor |
SPACE, l (ell), or RIGHT ARROW | Space to the right | h or LEFT ARROW | Space to the left | w | Word to the right | W | Blank-delimited word to the right | b | Word to the left | B | Blank-delimited word to the left | $ | End of line | e | End of word to the right | E | End of blank-delimited word to the right | 0 (zero) | Beginning of line (cannot be used with a Repeat Factor) | RETURN | Beginning of next line | j or DOWN ARROW | Down one line | | Beginning of previous line | k or UP ARROW | Up one line | ) | End of sentence | ( | Beginning of sentence | } | End of paragraph | { | Beginning of paragraph | % | Move to matching brace of same type at same nesting level |
Table 6-14 shows the commands that enable you to view different parts of the Work buffer. Table 6-14. Viewing the Work bufferCommand | Moves the cursor |
CONTROL-D | Forward one-half window | CONTROL-U | Backward one-half window | CONTROL-F or PAGE DOWN | Forward one window | CONTROL-B or PAGE UP | Backward one window | nG | To line n (without n, to the last line) | H | To top of window | M | To middle of window | L | To bottom of window |
The commands in Table 6-15 enable you to add text to the buffer. All these commands, except r, leave vim in Input mode. You must press ESCAPE to return to Command mode. Table 6-15. Adding textCommand | Adds text |
i | Before cursor | I | Before first nonblank character on line | a | After cursor | A | At end of line | o | Open a line below current line | O | Open a line above current line | r | Replace current character (no ESCAPE needed) | R | Replace characters, starting with current character (overwrite until ESCAPE) |
Table 6-16 lists commands that delete and change text. In this table M is a Unit of Measure that you can precede with a Repeat Factor, n is an optional Repeat Factor, and c is any character. Table 6-16. Deleting and changing textCommand | Result |
nx | Deletes the number of characters specified by n, starting with the current character | nX | Deletes n characters before the current character, starting with the character preceding the current character | dM | Deletes text specified by M | n dd | Deletes n lines | dtc | Deletes to the next character c on the current line | D | Deletes to end of the line | n~ | Change case of the next n characters | The following commands leave vim in Input mode. You must press ESCAPE to return to Command mode. | ns | Substitutes n characters | S | Substitutes for the entire line | cM | Changes text specified by M | ncc | Changes n lines | ctc | Changes to the next character c on the current line | C | Changes to end of line |
Table 6-17 lists search commands. Here rexp is a regular expression that can be a simple string of characters. Table 6-17. SearchingCommand | Result |
/rexpRETURN | Searches forward for rexp | ?rexpRETURN | Searches backward for rexp | n | Repeats original search exactly | N | Repeats original search, in the opposite direction | /RETURN | Repeats original search forward | ?RETURN | Repeats original search backward | fc | Positions the cursor on the next character c on the current line | Fc | Positions the cursor on the previous character c on the current line | tc | Positions the cursor on the character before (to the left of) the next character c on the current line | Tc | Positions the cursor on the character after (to the right of) the previous character c on the current line | ; | Repeats the last f, F, t, or T command | The format of a Substitute command is :[address]s/search-string/replacement-string[/g] where address is one line number or two line numbers separated by a comma. A . (period) represents the current line, $ represents the last line, and % represents the entire file. You can use a marker or a search string in place of a line number. The search-string is a regular expression that can be a simple string of characters. The replacement-string is the replacement string. A g indicates a global replacement (more than one replacement per line). Table 6-18 lists miscellaneous vim commands. Table 6-18. Miscellaneous commandsCommand | Result |
J | Joins the current line and the following line | . | Repeats the most recent command that made a change | :w filename | Writes contents of Work buffer to filename (or to current file if there is no filename) | :q | Quits vim | ZZ | Writes contents of Work buffer to the current file and quits vim | :f or CONTROL-G | Displays the filename, status, current line number, number of lines in the Work buffer, and percentage of the Work buffer preceding the current line | CONTROL-V | Inserts the next character literally even if it is a vim command (use in Input mode) |
Table 6-19 lists commands that yank and put text. In this table M is a Unit of Measure that you can precede with a Repeat Factor and n is a Repeat Factor. You can precede any of these commands with the name of a buffer using the form "x, where x is the name of the buffer (a z). Table 6-19. Yanking and putting textCommand | Result |
yM | Yanks text specified by M | nyy | Yanks n lines | Y | Yanks to end of line | P | Puts text before or above | p | Puts text after or below |
Table 6-20 lists advanced vim commands. Table 6-20. Advanced commandsCommand | Result | mx | Sets marker x, where x is a letter from a to z. | ''(two single quotation marks) | Moves cursor back to its previous location. | 'x | Moves cursor to line with marker x. | 'x | Moves cursor to character with marker x. | :e filename | Edits filename, requiring you to write out changes to the current file (with :w or autowrite) before editing the new file. Use :e! filename to discard changes to the current file. Use :e! without a filename to discard changes to the current file and start editing the saved version of the current file. | :n | Edits the next file when vim is started with multiple filename arguments. Requires you to write out changes to the current file (with :w or autowrite) before editing the next file. Use :n! to discard changes to the current file and edit the next file. | :rew | Rewinds the filename list when vim is started with multiple filename arguments and starts editing with the first file. Requires you to write out changes to the current file (with :w or autowrite) before editing the first file. Use :rew! to discard changes to the current file and edit the first file. | :sh | Starts a shell. Exit from the shell to return to vim. | :!command | Starts a shell and executes command. | !!command | Starts a shell, executes command, and places output in the Work buffer, replacing the current line. |