A Practical Guide to UNIX for Mac OS X Users
Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] Daemon atrun cron 2nd defined fingerd 2nd 3rd ftpd httpd init 2nd launchd 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th lpd mach_init name naming network 2nd nmbd ntpd portmap 2nd 3rd postfix protocol rexecd rpc. prefix services, providing smbd sshd 2nd Superserver. [See Daemon; xinetd] syslogd 2nd talkd telnetd xinetd 2nd 3rd 4th daily file daily.local file Darwin about version numbers Data sink structure Database dbm DNS gdbm hosts locale magic number man page header ndbm NIS 2nd printcap search engine services SQL system services terminfo whois Datagram, network 2nd Dataless system date utility 2nd 3rd 4th Date, display dbm database dd utility ddd utility DDoS attack Debug Debugger about ddd gdb graphical symbolic option shell script symbolic declare builtin 2nd Decrement operator 2nd Default default shell keyword Delete directory using rmdir file line link using rm word DELETE key Delimiter, regular expression Delta, SCCS Denial of Service. [See DoS attack and DDoS attack] deny file Dependency line (make) Dereference Descriptor, file Descriptor, file, duplicate Design, top-down Desktop defined manager 2nd Desktop directory Detached process. [See Background; process] dev directory 2nd Device block character defined driver 2nd 3rd 4th file 2nd filename independence independent input and output null number major 2nd minor 2nd physical df utility DHCP about client how it works more information protocol server Die, process diff utility 2nd diff, context diff3 utility dig utility Directory . .. / (root) 2nd /Applications /bin /dev about special files /etc pam.d 2nd 3rd 4th X11 /Library /private etc tmp var /sbin /System Library /tmp 2nd 3rd /Users /usr /share doc bin include info lib 2nd lib: cc, and lib: shared sbin share share: terminfo X11R6 2nd /var at at: jobs at: spool log 2nd root spool 2nd /Volumes about access permission Applications bin 2nd change using cd child 2nd copy recursively using mv copy, shell script cores create using mkdir cron current. [See Directory; working] defined 2nd 3rd 4th delete using rmdir Desktop dev 2nd 3rd doc empty erase using rmdir etc file 2nd hierarchy home 2nd 3rd 4th home vs. working include 2nd info lib 2nd 3rd 4th Library 2nd link list using ls listing log 2nd lost+found make using mkdir move using mv pam.d 2nd 3rd 4th parent 2nd pathname 2nd private remove using rmdir rename using mv root 2nd 3rd root root sbin 2nd service share spool 2nd 3rd stack manipulation 2nd 3rd standard System terminfo tmp 2nd Users var Volumes working change using cd defined home, versus relative pathnames significance of with X11 X11R6 2nd ~ (home). [See Home directory] dirs builtin 2nd 3rd 4th dirstack variable Disk buffer free space partition startup usage diskutil utility Display date using date end of a file with tail file using cat graphical invisible filename machine name ordered file using sort sorted file using sort system load using w text using echo top of a file using head uptime using w user list using finger user list using w user list using who Distributed computing 2nd ditto utility dmesg utility 2nd dmg filename extension 2nd DMZ DNS about 2nd database dig utility host utility do control structure 2nd 3rd 4th doc directory Document Object Model. [See DOM] Documentation finding online system 2nd Dollar sign regular expression, in variables, use with 2nd DOM Domain name Name Service. [See DNS] name, not case-sensitive done control structure 2nd 3rd 4th Door DOS filename filename extension DoS attack Double versus single quotation marks DPMS Drag Driver, device 2nd DSA DSL 2nd du utility 2nd dunique variable Duplex, full and half Duplicate lines, getting rid of using uniq dyld utility 2nd dylib filename extension 2nd Dynamic IP address Dynamic library. [See Shared; library] |