Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Applied Techniques Step by Step (Pro-Step by Step Developer)

In this chapter, you have learned what enterprise reporting is and been introduced to planning for reporting. You have also learned about the Reporting Services architecture, its main components, and the tasks performed by each one.

You've experimented with basic report authoring procedures: Creating a report, setting a data source and a data query, creating and editing the report layout, adding code to perform shared operations, and adding some interactivity.

SQL Server Books Online includes further detail about each of these topics. Other features you will want to explore are list and matrix data regions, grouping, expression scopes, cascading parameters, working with the visibility features, charts, subreports, language-culture usage, and reporting from Analysis Services.

Chapter 12 Quick Reference


Do this

Create a report

In BIDS, select New | Project from the File menu. Select the Report Server Project template and click the OK button. Right-click the Reports folder in Solution Explorer and choose Add | New Item.

Start the Report Wizard

In BIDS, select New | Project from the File menu. Select the Report Server Project Wizard template and click the OK button.

Create a shared data source

Right-click the Shared Data Sources folder in Solution Explorer and choose Add New Data Source.

Define a dataset

On the Data tab in BIDS, choose <New Dataset...> from the Dataset dropdown list.

Add a table to a report

Drag and drop a Table control from the toolbox onto your report designer surface.

Bind data to a table on a report

Drag a field from the Dataset pane and drop it onto a cell in the table.

Preview a report

Click on the Preview tab in BIDS.

Format a report control

Right-click the control and choose Properties to show the Properties dialog box or select the item, display the Properties window, and edit the properties there.

Save a report

Click the Save toolbar button.

Add a total to a table in a report

Drag the field you want to total from the Dataset pane and drop it onto a footer field in a table.

Conditionally set a property in a report

Click the <Expression...> entry in the property's dropdown list. Enter an IIf statement in the Edit Expression dialog box.

Sort the contents of a table based on values in a column

On the table's Properties dialog box, set the sorting fields on the Sorting tab.

Let users sort data interactively

On the table cell's Properties dialog box, select the Add An Interactive Sort Action To This Textbox checkbox.

Filter data on a report

Edit the report's query to add a WHERE clause that uses a parameter. From the Report menu, select Report Parameters.

Let users filter data interactively

Add a filter and define a new dataset to be used as the source for the parameter values. From the Report menu, select Report Parameters. In the Available Values frame, select the From Query option and enter the new dataset in the Dataset textbox.
