Solid Quality Learning, Microsoft Corporation Staff - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Essentials Step by Step

Package editor, 236

Package Protection Level dialog box, 234

Parameterized SELECT query, 197

Parameterized view, 197

Parent-child relationship, 9596

Parent entity, 9596

Parentheses, 146

Partitioned views, 185

PATH statement, 210

PDS. See Physical Design Structures (PDS)

Peer-to-peer network, 18

Performance, 80, 82, 129

Performance counters, 8689

Performance Logs And Alerts node, 63, 85

Performance Monitor

creating Windows performance log, 85

defined, 16

review captured information, 87

run SQL Server Profiler together with, 6364

Pessimistic concurrency, 259260, 281

Phantom table, 199200

Physical Design Structures (PDS), 6768

Physical Disk;Avg Disk Queue Length, 88

Physical model

create, 112114

create tables, 115116

defined, 91

design schemas to logically group database objects, 114115

select appropriate storage design for database, 111112

POWER function, 158

Precise numbers , 101

Precision, 101102

Precision datatype parameters, 102

Predictive analysis, 83

Primary, 151

Primary database file, 111112

Primary Key columns , 274

PRIMARY KEY constraint, 99, 108110, 116

Process, define, 9240

Processor, 8689

Processor Queue Length, 88

Productivity tools, 1617

Profile, calculate cost of average, 8889

Programmability, 129

Programming interface layer, 122

Project, write, 5657.

See also New Project

Project Sources node, 287

Prototype, 83

Provide Safe Database Concurrency, 127
