Solid Quality Learning, Microsoft Corporation Staff - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database Essentials Step by Step

Work in database development is not only a SQL Server matter. Besides the proper development tools, you also need evaluation tools that allow you to examine such things as the effectiveness of your application, its reliability, and its fault tolerance. The operating system includes some of these tools, and SQL Server 2005 installation adds others as well.

Using Performance Monitor

Performance Monitor measures resource utilization, such as processor time and memory in usenot only for those resources required by SQL Server 2005, but also for those required by the application. Using Performance Monitor, you can evaluate which part of the entire application uses the most resources and explore execution alternatives to maximize performance.

To launch Performance Monitor, open the Control Panel and double click the Administrative Tools icon. Double-click the Performance icon to launch Performance Monitor.

Using Network Monitor

Usually, database applications run in a network environment. This means that the applications use some network resources to obtain or update information. Network Monitor allows you to analyze what happens behind the scenes in the network. It helps you to evaluate which actions consume more network bandwidth and which is the best way to perform a certain task. Evaluating Network Monitor information may be difficult because it provides low-level information dealing with network frames ; however, the hard work of examining this information can be rewarding .


Network Monitor is not installed by default. You must add it to your operating system. To do this:

  1. Ensure that you have the original operating system setup media ready (in your CD reader or available in a network share).

  2. On the Control Panel, double-click the Add Or Remove Programs icon.

  3. Click Add Or Remove Windows Components in the left bar.

  4. After the Microsoft Windows XP (or Microsoft Windows Server) setup starts, scroll down to select Management And Monitoring Tools, click the Details button, and check Simple Network Management Protocol.

  5. Click OK, and then click Next.

Using Upgrade Advisor

Upgrade Advisor allows you to assess the impact of a database migration process and recommends actions you may take to better migrate your databases, while pointing out potential problems and corresponding solutions. Since it will be possible to migrate older applications to the new SQL Server version, this tool will be much appreciated.
