Computer Forensics JumpStart
cable modem, 28
cache, 267
Case Agent Companion, 178, 214, 217
case sensitivity, of UNIX filenames, 39
CD analysis utilities, 263-264
CD/DVD Inspector, 264
IsoBuster, 263
CD/DVD Inspector, 264
CD/DVD-ROM/RW drive, 25, 267
Cell Seizure, 179
Center for Computer Forensics, 250
CERT Coordination Center, 230
certifications, 253-259
Advanced Information Security (AIS), 254
Certified Computer Crime Investigator (CCCI), 256
Certified Computer Examiner (CCE), 254
Certified Computer Forensic Technician (CCFT), 256-257
Certified Cyber-Crime Expert (C 3 E), 255
Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE), 257
Certified Information Forensics Investigator (CIFI), 255
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), 257
EnCase Certified Examiner Program, 258
GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst (GCFA), 258
Professional Certified Investigator (PCI), 258-259
chain of custody, 60-65 , 267
controls, 61-62
creating, 64
definition, 60
protecting, 67
Chan, United States v ., 43
checksum, 69, 267
calculating, 85
chief executives, personal validation of corporate financial statements, 10
child pornography, 13
chosen plaintext attack, 268
for decrypting , 158-159
cipher, 147, 268
ciphertext , 148, 268
classes of network addresses, 124
cloning, 268
clothing for court appearance, 226
clusters, and file writing to disk, 136
CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), 202, 203
communication in court, 227-229
listening, 228
tone of speech, 228-229
vocabulary, 229
communication links, 76
community colleges, computer forensics classes, 15
company executives, computer data of, 191
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS), 202, 203, 268
Computer Cop, 250
computer crime. See also cybercrime
priority for cases, 12-13
real-life examples, 4-8
data theft, 5-6
former employees , 29
hacking to obtain credit card information, 6
illegal access to NYT computer network, 4-5
juvenile hacker, 8
software bomb, 7
computer evidence, 52 , 268
computer forensics, 268
being prepared, 26-27
corporate vs. law enforcement concerns, 9-13
defining, 2-3
importance, 3
need for, 1
training, 266
Computer Forensics, Cybercrime and Steganography Resources, 249
Computer Forensics Inc., 250
Computer Forensics International, 250
Computer Forensics Labs, 250
Computer Forensics Services, 250
Computer Forensics Tool Testing Project, 109
Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC), 17
change, 96
handling live system, 81-82
confidentiality, from encryption, 147
conflict of interest, 223
contractors, password cracking by, 144
cookies, 121, 268
passwords in, 143
CookieView, 121
Coroner's Toolkit (TCT), 113, 179 , 251
Grave-Robber, 112
corporate security
best practices, 9
focus on detection and prevention, 9-11
court case, understanding, 224
court proceedings , 205. See also testimony
evidence admissibility , 65-68 , 74
likelihood of, 45
technical concepts explained in, 57-58
covert channels, 134, 268
Crack, 128, 144
cracking passwords, 143-146
credentials as expert witness , 222
motivators for, 130
thought process, 129
cross examination, 224, 235, 268
cross validation, 268
Cryptocat, 101
cryptography, 146, 268
Cyber Security Institute, 251
cybercrime, law enforcement training, 13-18
end users, 15-18
practitioners , 13-15
CyberEvidence, 250
cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 83, 106, 268