Computer Forensics JumpStart
Macintosh, 37
Sleuth Kit support for partitions, 180
mactime program (Coroner's Toolkit), 122, 179
mactime program (Sleuth Kit), 180
mainframes, 22
malware, 16, 270
Mares and Company, 250
LLC basic and advanced computer forensic training, 14
Maresware, 114, 177-178 , 261-262
MASSter Solo-2 Professional Plus, 104
md5sum utility, 85
media, for full volume image, 97-100
media management, Sleuth Kit and, 180
media wipe, with ByteBack, 163
Message Digest 5 (MD5), 83, 106, 270
message, hiding within message. See steganography
metadata, 131-132, 270
Sleuth Kit and, 180
Metadata Assistant, 264
Metadata Viewer Utility, 264
microdrive, 32
Microsoft software
encryption by, 155
Properties dialog box, 131 , 131
Microsoft Word, and encrypted files, 147
Midwest Data Group, 250
mirror image, 104
missing persons, real world scenario, 77-78
mmls tool (Sleuth Kit), 180
modem, 28 , 270
monitoring policy, 18
Moussaoui, United States v. , 108-109
multimedia presentations, 92