Computer Forensics JumpStart


Venema, Wieste, 179

videotapes, 200

virtual FAT (VFAT), 38, 272

Virtual Filesystem (VFS), 40

virus, 9, 10, 272-273

visual aids, 92

as demonstrative evidence, 57

vocabulary, in court proceedings , 229

Vogon Forensic Software, 183 , 183

Vogon International, 251

volatile data

collecting, 100-103

support in EnCase, 166

volume images

full, 96-109

collecting volatile data, 100-103

data extraction from PDAs, 107-108

evidence collection order, 96-97

hard disk drive duplication, 103-107

image and tool documentation, 108-109

media and tools preparation, 97-100

partial, 109-111

real world scenario, 110

voluntary surrender, 58-59 , 273
