Computer Forensics JumpStart

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Launch Your Career in Computer Forensics ”Quickly and Effectively

Written by a team of computer forensics experts, Computer Forensics JumpStart provides all the core information you need to launch your career in this fast-growing field:

  • Conducting a computer forensics investigation
  • Examining the layout of a network
  • Finding hidden data
  • Capturing images
  • Identifying, collecting, and preserving computer evidence
  • Understanding encryption and examining encrypted files
  • Documenting your case
  • Evaluating common computer forensic tools
  • Presenting computer evidence in court as an expert witness

About the Authors

Michael G. Solomon is a full-time security speaker, consultant, trainer, and a former college instructor who specializes in development and assessment security topics. As an IT professional and consultant since 1987, he has worked on projects or trained for more than 60 major companies and organizations, including EarthLink, Nike Corporation, Lucent Technologies, BellSouth, UPS, the U.S. Coast Guard, and Norrell.

Diane Barrett has been involved in the IT industry since 1993. She works at Remington College where she taught in the computer networking program for two years before becoming a director. She teaches online classes that include networking, security, and virus protection, and she is the president of a security awareness corporation that specializes in training.

Diane has co- authored several security and networking books, including MCSA/MCSE 70-299 Exam Cram 2: Implementing and Administering Security in a Windows Server 2003 Network (Que, 2004) and Computer Networking Illuminated (Jones and Bartlett, 2005). She is currently volunteering for ISSA s Generally Accepted Information Security Principles Project in the ethical practices working group .

Neil Broom is the President of the Technical Resource Center in Atlanta, Georgia. As a speaker, trainer, course director, and consultant in the fields of Computer Forensics, Information Assurance, and Professional Security Testing, he has over 14 years of experience providing technical education and security services to the military, law enforcement, the health care industry, financial institutions, and government agencies.
