Absolute Beginners Guide to A+ Certification. Covers the Hardware and Operating Systems Exam
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Chances are, if you've gone through your system's BIOS configuration screens and compared them to the ones listed previously, you've seen some differences. That's inevitable. Some differences come from the specific motherboard chipset and other components installed on the system, whereas other differences come from the different designs used by the different BIOS makers . So, if you're puzzled or confused by a particular BIOS setting, where do you go for help? Although BIOSs are developed by just a handful of companies (IBM, Compaq, and Acer develop for their own systems, and Phoenix, AMI, and Award for others and for "clone" motherboards), each BIOS is unique to the motherboard it's matched with. Therefore, for specific help with your BIOS (errors, configuring, troubleshooting), your best bet is to go back to the system or motherboard maker. The relationship of BIOS makers and motherboard makers is similar to the difference between standard and custom vans:
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