Storage Networks: The Complete Reference
backplane, 79, 99
backup operations
availability and, 380382
described, 490
NAS devices, 151, 174, 372
SAN devices, 256, 266
server-free, 248, 256
software for, 24, 485
tape media and, 266
tools for, 24, 485
backup service, 368
buses, 97, 101
data transfers, 22
described, 97, 490
I/O, 344345
PCI buses, 103
security and, 434435
serial connections, 111
storage networking and, 22
basic input/output (BIOS), 81
batch processing storage systems, 7173
benchmarks, 414417
best practices
security, 445450
storage networking, 488
BIOS (basic input/output), 81
BIOS microcode , 81
black box architecture, 133, 156
blade computing, 346, 490
BLCP (box level capacity planning), 277278
block devices, 146
block I/O operations, 337338, 342343
block size , 286
blocks, 92, 286, 491
boot files, 121
boot processes, 247
box level capacity planning (BLCP), 277278
bridges, 178179, 229231
hard disk controller, 70
host adapter, 70
I/O buffer pool, 146
RAM, 69, 91, 148
See also cache
bus mastering, 99
address space, 98
arbitration scheme, 100
bandwidth, 97, 101
clock speed, 97
controller cache, 99100
cross-talk interference, 101
data width, 97
described, 491
differential, 101
electromagnetic interference, 9899
electro-mechanical, 9899
evolution of, 99
expansion, 9698
Firewire standard, 110111
I-bus, 97
internal, 97
interrupt processing, 98
I/O, 9798, 109113
operations, 99101
overview, 9699
parallel connections, 100101
PCI, 99, 103, 498
SCSI, 103105
shielding, 101
single-ended, 101
universal, 9697, 343346
USB standard, 110111
vs. networks, 101105
wide, 101
business application data
access to, 31
availability of, 3132
consolidation of, 31
NAS configurations, 31
scalability of access, 30
speed of access, 31
storage strategies, 416
business applications
benefits of storage networks on, 2832
building, 2528
data. See business application data
described, 491
design of, 416, 2526
enterprise applications, 2325
post-implementation analysis, 28
production mode, 26187
requirements document, 25
system implementation, 2528
testing, 2526
workloads and, 281284
business continuity, 353364