Storage Networks: The Complete Reference
UA. See user access
universal bus, 9697, 343346
universal resource locators (URLs), 327
Universal Serial Bus (USB), 110111
UNIX clients , 152
UNIX environment
application information, 379
directories, 165167
HBAs and, 226
NAS and, 159161
networking storage issues, 3638
OS information, 379
UNIX file servers, 38
UNIX file system, 3839, 121124, 165167
UNIX kernel, 161162
UNIX-based servers, 260
capacity planning and, 407408
change management and, 393395
storage configurations and, 393395
URLs (universal resource locators), 327
USB (Universal Serial Bus), 110111
user access (UA)
challenges, 89, 1415, 2223
departmental workloads, 325
described, 282
I/O workloads, 287289
number of users, 89, 22
OLTP workloads, 301
specialized workloads, 330
storage networks and, 1819
web servers, 1415
web-based workloads, 305
WIT workloads, 327
User Non-Aggression Pact, 407
usernames, 432
end users, 361
non-aggression pact, 369370
transactions, 2223