Microsoft SharePoint 2003 Unleashed (2nd Edition) (Unleashed)

As this chapter discusses, it is critical to allocate sufficient time to plan the design of the SharePoint 2003 implementation to meet the varied needs of the users. This requires an understanding of the range of users and their needs and expectations, and allocating sufficient time for a phased testing process. Some of the infrastructure design decisions made at a high level may need to be reexamined when the needs of the users are considered more carefully. For example, a single portal may be acceptable from a design standpoint, but the sales department may require a dedicated portal for its key clients.

Key items to discuss with key knowledge workers, managers, power users, remote users, and support staff involve the use of standard areas on the portal, as well as designing organization-specific areas, the subareas required, and groups to be used for organizing items in each area. Equally important is determining how personal sites will be used, and what functionality top-level websites will offer. Defining the site groups is required to ensure that the right users have the right level of access and control over the data managed by SharePoint 2003, as is testing these groups after they are defined. Reviewing which Microsoft Office applications will be used with the SharePoint 2003 implementation is important when setting end user expectations and will affect the level of training required. Finally, a document summarizing the many design decisions made is essential to prepare for the implementation of the solution.
