Six Sigma Fundamentals: A Complete Introduction to the System, Methods, and Tools
The champions implement the changes as a result of the six sigma methodology by taking action to:
Develop a vision for the organization.
Create and maintain passion.
Develop a model for a perfect organization.
Facilitate the identification and prioritization of projects.
Develop the strategic decisions in the deployment of six sigma around timing and sequencing of manufacturing, transactional and new product focus.
Extend project benefits to additional areas.
Communicate and market the breakthrough strategy process and results.
Share best practices.
Establish and monitor a team process for optimum results.
Recruit, inspire and "free up" black belts—pick the best people.
Develop the reward and recognition program for black belts.
Remove barriers for black belts.
Coach and develop black belts.
Provide the drum beat for results by reviewing projects and keeping score through metrics.
Develop a comprehensive training plan for implementing the breakthrough strategy.