Six Sigma and Beyond: Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI


Earning ratios, 693 “695

Earnings, 692 “693

and change management, 127

and luck, 693

retained, 670

Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), 668

Earnings per share (EPS), 662, 669

EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes), 668

Economic buyers , 117

Economic order quantity (EOQ) model, 707

Economies of scale, 155

Effort goals, 159

Eigenvalues, 177

Eigenvectors, 177

Eight-level factors, 389

Elastic buckling, 176

Elasticity, 177, 179

Elastic of modulus , 654

Electrical design margins, 359

Electrical discharges, 289

Electrical measurements, 527

Electroforming, 204

Electronics industry, 2, 5

Element connectivities, 180

Element data recovery, 181

Element properties, 180

Elevating hopper feeders, 207

Emission standards, 54

Employees, 663

and benchmarking, 104, 107

motivation and earnings of, 693

Enclosures, 358

Encyclopedia of Business Information Services , 145

Encyclopedias, 145


in business assessments, 136 “137

conformance elements in, 502

manufacturing, 494

nonconformance elements in, 503

plant, 494 “495

Engineering analysis, 266

Engineering changes, costs of, 297 “298

Enhancing functions, 58 “59, 264

Environmental controls, 526

Environmental FMEA, 225

Environmental laws, 54

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 147

EOQ (economic order quantity) model, 707

EPS (earnings per share), 662, 669

Equal bilateral tolerance, 523

Equipment, 362, 675

Equipment errors, 526


in balance sheet equation, 664, 674

and debt, 692

ratio to total debt, 697

of shareholders, 667

in theory of firm, 661

Equity/debt ratios, 692

Equity earnings, 484

Erlicher, Harry, 555

Errors, 526 “527

eliminating, 212

inevitability of, 212

proofing, 208, 274

variables , 336 “337

Essential functions, 58 “59

Esteem value, 558

Estimated costs, 703

Euclid, 542

Euler buckling analysis, 176, 177

Evaluation phase (job plans), 585 “591

Evaluation summary, 587

Evidence books, 475, 477

Excel (software), 182

Exchange value, 558

Excitement needs, 229

Excitement quality, 69 “71

Executives, 663

Expanded partnering, 12 “14

Expansion, coefficient of, 531

Expected customer life, 289

Expenditures, 680

Expenses, 701

vs. assets, 680 “681

depreciation as, 684

and productivity, 702

Experiments, 249;

see also DOE (design of experiments)

analysis in, 405 “410, 415 “418

column interaction tables in, 384

confirmatory tests in, 418 “421

degrees of freedom in, 383

dynamic situations in, 430 “441

factor levels in, 380 “382

factors with large numbers of levels in, 392

factors with three levels in two-level arrays in, 391

factors with two levels in three-level arrays in, 390 “391

hardware test setups in, 385 “386

inner and outer arrays in, 393

linear graphs in, 382 “384

nesting of factors in, 392

orthogonal arrays in, 383 “384

parameter design, 441 “447

planning, 372 “380

randomization of tests in, 394

test arrays in, 387 “389

tolerance design, 447 “454

Exponential distribution, 617, 641

in fixed-sample tests, 318 “320

in reliability problems, 618

in sequential tests, 321 “323

Exponential function, 619

Extended interior penalty functions, 185

External failure costs, 101, 483, 491

External gate hopper feeders, 207

External manufacturing, 6 “7

External variations, 28

Extraordinary costs, 703

Extrusion, 204
