Tablet PCs for Dummies

Playing Around with Windows Messenger

Windows Messenger is a feature of Windows XP that you can use to chat with people online or send instant communications (as shown in Figure 12-12) to them in real time (as opposed to e-mail, which may or may not be read as soon as you send it). You can open Messenger by tapping the Messenger icon in the Windows system tray and choosing Open Windows Messenger.

Figure 12-12: Enter your message here and deliver it instantly.

The idea is that Windows Messenger can go out there online and locate any contacts you’ve created and see if they’re online at the same time that you are. If they are, you can use Messenger to initiate a chat, hold a voice conversation, or even hold a little meeting with a whiteboard feature (a white version of a blackboard, souped up to be digital).

Though no special Tablet PC-oriented functions are available for Windows Messenger, you can use the Tablet PC Input Panel to enter text into Instant Messages or write on the Messenger Whiteboard feature with your pen.

Because Tablet PCs have built-in microphones and speakers, you may also want to take advantage of the Make a Phone Call feature of Messenger (as shown in Figure 12-13). To use this feature, you first have to sign up with a voice service provider, which you can do from the Messenger window. Then you can call anybody you like by tapping out his or her number on the virtual phone pad.

Figure 12-13: Don’t have a cell phone? Just use your Tablet PC to make calls on the go.

Messenger has a feature called Voice Conversation. You can use this feature to hold a voice conversation between two people with computers that are equipped with speakers and microphones or a connected headset.

 Remember  Making a phone call from Messenger requires payment to a voice service provider because you’re using a phone line. Voice Conversations are held between two computers; therefore, there is no charge!
