Change Management in Transition Economies: Integrating Corporate Strategy, Structure and Culture

Edited by Heinz-J ¼rgen St ¼ting Wolfgang Dorow Frank Claassen and Susanne Blazejewski

Selection and editorial matter Heinz-J ¼rgen St ¼ting, Wolfgang Dorow, Frank Claassen and Susanne Blazejewski 2003

Individual chapters (in order) Andrzej Byrt; Witold Ma‚achowski; Reinhard Klein; Jan Je¼ak; Josef C. Brada; Roderick Martin; Susanne Blazejewski, Frank Claassen, Wolfgang Dorow and Heinz-J ¼rgen St ¼ting; Jutta Emes; Arnold Schuh and Hartmut Holzm ¼ller; Tomasz Domaski; Gerhard Reber and Werner Auer-Rizzi; Thomas Otte; Krzysztof Konecki; Krzysztof Ob‚ ³j; Stefan Schmid; Klaus E. Meyer and Camilla Jensen 2003

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ISBN 1 “4039 “0163 “5

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Change management in transition economies: integrating corporate strategy, structure, and culture/edited by Heinz-J ¼rgen St ¼ting . . . [et al.].

p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1 “4039 “0163 “5 (alk. paper)

1. Industrial management ”Poland. 2. Business enterprises ”Poland. 3. Poland ”Economic policy ”1990 “ 4. Industrial management ”Europe, Eastern. 5. Germany ”Foreign economic relations ”Poland. 6. Poland ”Foreign economic relations ”Germany. I. St ¼ting, Heinz-J ¼rgen.

HD70.P6 C4 2003

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