3D AutoCAD 2004/2005: One Step at a Time

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17.5 More Section Help: The Sketch Command

There's an old command that occasionally doesn't make it into textbooks. You might (justifiably) question its value (there are other commands that work better), but it can be useful in section drawings.

The command is Sketch. It provides a computer method of sketching freehand. But consider this: Why would you want to do freehand sketching on a computer? Why use the most precise tool ever created to do rough outlines?

Frankly, there are no good answers to these questions. But let me show you how the Sketch command works, and maybe you'll find an answer (and email it to me).

The command sequence is

Command: sketch

Record increment <0.1000>: [enter or change the length of the line segments you'll use to create your sketch]

Sketch. Pen eXit Quit Record Erase Connect . [begin drawing - left click to start or stop the sketch; X to exit the command and complete the sketch]

43 lines recorded. [AutoCAD tells you how many lines it took to create your sketch]

Let's look at the options.

Let's see what we can do with the Sketch command.


The trick to drawing sketch lines is to set the system variable - SKPoly - to 1. This way, the sketch lines are created as polyline segments instead of individual lines. You can then modify the entire object using the PEdit command.

Do This: 17.5.1 Command Line Hatching

  1. Begin a new drawing from scratch.

  2. Set the grid to 0.5.

  3. Follow these steps.




    Command: rec

    Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/ Elevation/Fillet/ Thickness/Width]: 2,2

    Specify other corner point or [Dimensions]: 6,4

    1. Draw a rectangle as indicated.

    Command: x

    2. Explode the rectangle.


    Command: skpoly

    Enter new value for SKPOLY <0>: 1

    3. Set the SKPoly system variable so that the Sketch command will draw polylines.

    No Button Available

    Command: sketch

    4. Enter the Sketch command. (Be sure the Ortho is off to avoid some really odd sketches.)


    Record increment <0.1000>: [enter]

    5. Accept the Record increment default.


    Sketch. Pen eXit Quit Record Erase Connect . <Pen down>

    6. Pick with the left mouse button and create a break line as shown in Figure




    <Pen up>

    1 polyline with 15 edges recorded.

    7. Pick again with the left mouse button to stop drawing. Then hit enter to complete the command. (Note: Your sketch may have a different number of edges than mine.)

    Command: tr

    8. Trim the rectangle away from the break line. Your drawing looks similar to Figure



    Command: h

    9. Hatch the rectangle using the ANSI31 pattern. Your drawing looks like Figure




    Command: quit

    10. Exit the drawing without saving.

Again, there are better ways of creating break lines - splines, polylines, or even lines. But you never know when a need will arise that only the Sketch command can fill!

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