3D AutoCAD 2004/2005: One Step at a Time
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24.7 Exercises
Open the Wine Rack.dwg file in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder. Create the layout shown in Figure 24.7.1a. Use the following to guide your setup:
Figure 24.7.1a: Wine Rack 1.1
Set up to plot on a B-size (17x11) sheet of paper.
Use the ANSI B Title Block.dwg file in the \Template folder as your border/title block.
Use the title info.dwg file to insert data into the title block.
The photograph is winerack.tif and can be found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Embed the BOM using the Winerack.xls Excel file.
The logo in the title block is logo.gif and can be found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Complete the layout and dimension the viewports as indicated.
Save the drawing as MyWineRack.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the Jewelry Box.dwg file in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder. Create the layout shown in Figure 24.7.2b. Use the following to guide your setup:
Figure 24.7.2a: Title Block Figure 24.7.2b: Jewelry Box 2.1
Set up to plot on a B-size (17x11) sheet of paper.
Use the ANSI B Title Block.dwg file in the \Template folder as your border/title block.
Use the title info.dwg file to insert data into the title block.
The photograph is jewlery box.tif and can be found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Embed the BOM using the JBox.xls Excel file.
The logo in the title block is NHC.bmp and can be found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Use Figure 24.7.2a to help set up the title block.
Complete the layout and dimension the viewports as indicated.
Save the drawing as MyJewelryBox.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the Chest.dwg file in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder. Create the layout shown in Figure 24.7.3a. Use the following to guide your setup:
Figure 24.7.3a: Oak Chest 3.1
Set up to plot on a C-size (22x17) sheet of paper.
Use the ANSI C Title Block.dwg file in the \Template folder as your border/title block.
Use the title info.dwg file to insert data into the title block.
The photograph is Oak Chest.tif and can be found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
The logo in the title block is NHC.bmp and can be found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Complete the layout and dimension the viewports as indicated.
Save the drawing as MyOakChest.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the MyPlanter.dwg file you created in the C:\Steps\Lesson23 folder. (If that drawing isn't available, open the Planter-24.dwg file found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.) Add the graphics shown in Figure 24.7.4a. Use the following guidelines:
Figure 24.7.4a: Planter 4.1
Import the rendered planter.gif image from the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder and add the text shown.
Use the logo-mini.gif file in the title block.
Save the drawing as MyPlanter-24.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the MyPlanterBox.dwg file you created in the C:\Steps\Lesson23 folder. (If that drawing isn't available, open the PlanterBox-24.dwg file found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.) Add the graphics shown in Figure 24.7.5a. Use the following guidelines:
Figure 24.7.5a: PlanterBox 5.1
Import the graphics as shown.
Resize the existing viewport with the shaded image. Set the Shademode in that viewport to 2D.
Use the logo-mini.gif file in the title block.
Save the drawing as MyPlanter-24.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the MyTableLamp.dwg file you created in the C:\Steps\Lesson23 folder. (If that drawing isn't available, open the TableLamp-24.dwg file found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.) Add the graphics shown in Figure 24.7.6a. Use the following guidelines:
Figure 24.7.6a: Table Lamp 6.1
Import the graphics file as shown.
Use the Logo-mini.gif file in the title block.
Save the drawing as MyTableLamp-24.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the MyWheel.dwg file you created in the C:\Steps\Lesson23 folder. (If that drawing isn't available, open the Wheel-24.dwg file found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.) Add the graphics shown in Figure 24.7.7a. Use the following guidelines:
Figure 24.7.7a: Wheel 7.1
Import the graphics file as shown.
Use the Logo-mini.gif file in the title block.
Save the drawing as MyWheel-24.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
Open the OnArtesia.dwg file you created in the C:\Steps\Lesson23 folder. (If that drawing isn't available, open the OnArtesia-24.dwg file found in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.) Add the graphics shown in Figure 24.7.8a. Use the following guidelines:
Figure 24.7.8a: Artesian Home Plan 8.1
Import the graphics files as shown.
Use the logo-mini.gif file in the title block.
Save the drawing as OnArtesia-24.dwg in the C:\Steps\Lesson24 folder.
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