The Red Hat Documentation Team - Official Red Hat Linux User's Guide


h command, Table 25-1: Interactive top Commands

h files, Table 9-1: File Types and Extensions

Hard disk controllers icon

Windows 2000 Device Manager, Finding your hardware information in Windows NT/2000/XP

Windows 9x Device Manager, Finding your hardware information in Windows 9x

hard disks., see hard drives

hard drives, Hard Disk Basic Concepts

adding, Adding a New Hard Drive

formatting, It's Not What You Write, It's How You Write It

graphical display, Graphical Display of Hard Drive(s)

installing Red Hat Linux, Installing from a Hard Drive

partitions, Partitioning with FIPS, Hard Disk Basic Concepts, Partitions: Turning One Drive Into Many, Figure D-6. Disk Drive with a Single Partition, Partitions: Turning One Drive Into Many, Partitions within Partitions — An Overview of Extended Partitions, Making Room for Red Hat Linux, Using Unpartitioned Free Space, Using Space from an Unused Partition, Using Free Space from an Active Partition, Destructive Repartitioning, Figure D-10. Disk Drive Being Destructively Repartitioned, Non-Destructive Repartitioning, Step 1: Compress existing data, Step 2: Resize the existing partition, Create new partition(s)

Red Hat Linux installation, Table 1-1. System Requirements Table


compatibility, Is Your Hardware Compatible?, Learning About Your Hardware with Windows, Finding your hardware information in Windows 9x, Finding your hardware information in Windows NT/2000/XP

information gathering, Hardware

recording, Recording Your System's Hardware

requirements for Red Hat Linux installation, Recording Your System's Hardware, Do You Have Enough Disk Space?, Do I Need a Driver Disk?, How Do I Obtain a Driver Disk?, Creating a Driver Disk from an Image File, Using a Driver Disk During Installation

troubleshooting, Hardware/Software Problems

Hardware Browser, Figure 25-3. Hardware Browser

Hardware Browser command (System Tools menu), Hardware

head command, The head Command


CD-ROMs accompanying book, Need Help?

Galeon, Galeon

KDE, Finding Help

online, Displaying Online Help

Help Content command (Help menu), Mozilla Composer

Help menu commands

Galeon FAQ, Galeon

Help Content, Mozilla Composer

Konqueror Handbook, Konqueror

Manual, Creating Archives with File Roller

Nautilus Quick Reference, Nautilus

Nautilus User Manual, Nautilus

HelpCenter (KDE), Finding Help

Hide RAID device/LVM Volume Group members field

Disk Druid, Partition Fields


Panel, Autohiding the Panel

high level security, High

High security level, High

High security level option (GNOME Lokkit), GNOME Lokkit Configuration

history, command, Tips on Using Command History

history, command line, Command History and Tab Completion

home directory, A Larger Picture of the File System, Overview of the Red Hat Linux File System

Home icon, The Home Icon, 6-8. Your Default Save Directory: 8212; Home, The Home Icon, Figure 6-9. Creating a New Folder

home partition, Server Installations

hostnames, Table 1-1. System Requirements Table

html/.htm files, Table 9-1: File Types and Extensions


allow incoming option, Allow Incoming

HTTP Setup dialog, Figure 2-6. The HTTP Setup Dialog
