Robin Williams Cool Mac Apps. A guide to iLife '05, .Mac, and more.

Backup allows you to backup your files to any internal or external hard disk drive connected to your Mac, including USB and FireWire devices. Backing up to a hard disk is the fastest way to archive large amounts of data. Your storage capacity is only limited by the size of the disk you backup to.


It's a good idea to backup your data to a different disk drive than the one it's on because many data-loss disasters happen to an entire disk at one time.


From the pop-up menu, choose Back up to Drive.


Checkmark items in the backup list that you want to back up.


Click the "Set" button (above) to specify a backup location. A sheet slides down (right) prompting you to create a new backup file, or chooose to open an existing backup.

The backup file you create (or open) is a special file (shown on the right)not just a folder of copies of files. To open a Backup file, use Backup's Restore function (page 316).


If you click the "Create" button, a drop-down sheet prompts you to choose a location for your backup file (below-left). Type a name for the backup file in the "Save As" field. Click "Create" (below-right) to continue.


Click "Backup Now" to start the process.
