Change iCal's Time Zone Setting iCal uses the time zone setting in your Date and Time System Preferences to set the time zone for your calendars. You can change the time zone setting for iCal, or you can change the time zone setting for a single event, without changing your computer's System Preference settings. If, for instance, you create an iCal event to call someone at a certain time in another time zone, you can set that event to the other person's time zone. iCal automatically moves the event forward or back in time in your calendar to compensate for the time zone difference. Or, if you take a trip and want to change all calendars and events in iCal to your current time zone, you can do that with a click or two. Change the time zone setting for iCal 1. | Open iCal Preferences and select "Turn on time zone support" (see page 355) so the time zone setting appears in the top-right corner of the iCal window, and also in the Info drawer (circled below).
| 2. | Click the time zone text in the upper-right corner (above) of iCal's main window to open the pop-up menu shown on the left. Choose "Other…" to open the map sheet shown below. Select a new time zoneuse the "Closest City" pop-up menu or click a map location.
| 3. | Click OK. Once you've selected alternative time zones, they remain in the time zone pop-up menu.
| Change the time zone setting for an event 1. | Open iCal Preferences and select "Turn on time zone support" (see page 355) so the time zone setting appears in the Info drawer (circled below-left).
| 2. | Select an event in your calendar. Open the Info drawerclick the Show Info button, or just double-click an event to select it and open the drawer. An event's time zone setting affects its location on the calendar. If the iCal time zone is set to San Francisco and you create a lunch event and change its time zone to Paris, the event will move nine hours back in the iCal window. |
| 3. | In the Info drawer click to the right of the time zone label (the text and small double-arrows) and choose one of the options in the pop-up menu (shown above-right). If you previously selected other time zones, they remain listed in the top section of the pop-up menu. UTC / GMT sets the time zone to Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Timestandards used as a basis for calculating time throughout most of the world. Choose Floating if you want to create events that stay at the same time, no matter what time zone you're in. For instance, a lunch event scheduled for noon will always appear in the noon time slot, no matter where you are or if you've changed the iCal time zone (as explained on the previous page) or the time zone setting in Date and Time System Preferences. Select Other… to show a small world map in the drawer, as shown on the right. Click a time zone in the map to open a pop-up menu of cities in that time zone. Select a city, then click the OK button in the bottom-right corner of the map. | |