Developers Workshop to COM and ATL 3.0

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This chapter will examine ATL's support for component housing in far greater detail than Chapter 6. During the initial chapters of this book you were given the chance to build in-process and local servers from the ground up. Although COM-based DLL and EXE servers are implemented in slightly different ways, each is responsible for providing the following services:

While coding your component housing "by hand" is not impossible by any means, it can be a chore to reinvent the wheel time and time again. Using the ATL COM AppWizard, you can receive component housing with the click (or two) of a button. Regardless of how you choose to package your COM objects (DLL or EXE), CComModule and the server's object map provide the core support for your server's housing details. Our first task, then, is to review the basics of CComModule.

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